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  1. S

    Tall Woman Sprite [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. S

    Hi all I have been away for a while working ): but I am back to finish what I started lol

    Hi all I have been away for a while working ): but I am back to finish what I started lol
  3. S

    Side Shooting - RPG - Action Adventure hybrid ???

    Would be awesome to gather some information on how you actually implemented some of these mechanics and techniques you are using in the 1st video... overall a great look at what the engine in capable of... did you do this with just events or are there plugins at work here ... where did you...
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    Side Shooting - RPG - Action Adventure hybrid ???

    Yes indeed I will not be applying a game to steam for some years yet... I was only referring to the motions of the developing project not the actual steam store (right) I have so much to learn and so many challenges ahead of me... and in the near future I will be posting small previews and...
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    sprite visual scaling

    I dont know how to close this ???
  6. S

    sprite visual scaling

    Brother this is perfect... I have been looking for something like this for a while now... magnifico This is much appreciated thank you So much smoother than my recent efforts, and my biggest worry of all is now lifted. I may make some adjustments but overall this is the desired effect I...
  7. S

    sprite visual scaling

    Hi all sprite visual scaling? Meaning as the player controls the actor up and down, the actor decreases in size towards the top of the screen and increases in size towards the bottom... like in adventure games of the 90s... Secrets of Monkey Island I know this is possible with...
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    sprite visual scaling

    Thank you everybody for your feedback this has been a lot of food for thought... and will be taking into consideration everything... the only reason I might try to move in a plugin direction is because I don,t want to have to event every single map... and some of the screens it will be a lot of...
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    sprite visual scaling

    Yes however i still want to have the player in control of the character... though if all else fails teleportation will be the way I go because of aesthetics and design... I just really want the player to be in control the whole time.
  10. S

    Eventing An Action Battle System Tutorial Series

    Thats cool man no worries... would have been cool to see your Action Battle System in action Thanks for the reply
  11. S

    sprite visual scaling

    Yes I was just kind of inquiring about ways this could be achieved... and I have already tried eventing but it looks kind of stiff and not as fluid as i would like... the teleportation idea is cool but not what I want to achieve... however if all else fails i might have to work with that. Yes...
  12. S

    sprite visual scaling

    Hi all sprite visual scaling is this possible ? Meaning as the player controls the actor up and down, the actor decreases in size towards the top of the screen and increases in size towards the bottom... like in adventure games of the 90s... Secrets of Monkey Island \ I know the...
  13. S

    Side Shooting - RPG - Action Adventure hybrid ???

    That is awesome... Thank you so much buddy... this is a great starting point for me to tinker from thanks a lot To be honest the whole fake 3d thing is driving me crazy... as I am trying everything to make my character decrees in size as they travel towards the background and then grow in...
  14. S

    Eventing An Action Battle System Tutorial Series

    hey why did you take down the vids ???
  15. S

    Side Shooting - RPG - Action Adventure hybrid ???

    Hi RPG makers I am very new to the world of RPG and am learning as I go, testing loads and failing much but winning sometimes lol and with each step I do believe i will get to a point where I can create my dream game, a sieries in the style of 90s point and click adventure with elements of...
  16. S

    Tall Woman Sprite [Deleted]

    Sunpire submitted a new resource: Tall Woman Sprite - 48x144 female sprite RPG MV Read more about this resource...
  17. S

    Large Actor Female [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  18. S

    Tall Woman Sprite [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  19. S

    How do I show passage icons on map...

    Thank you for replying so quickly (cheeky) Yes I have done this I have set up a tile sheet with 4 invisible and 2yellow and 2 blue tiles Like this... I I I I Y Y B B with the walkability like so... X X O O X X O O I have also lowered the opacity of the yellow and blue as to be able to...
  20. S

    How do I show passage icons on map...

    Thanks for replying I am making some large Parallax maps, and some of the placement of invisible tiles is becoming quite hard to keep track of... hmmm what did you mean by "Not by default"? so it is possible then?