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  1. HellZDarkArkon

    Abyssal - Need members for the Team

    I see...thank you for your enlightening information... Bumping this..
  2. HellZDarkArkon

    Need Title Screen image

    Hi. I need a title screen image for my game...(if you wanna know what it's about, look up "Abyssal" on Gamejolt, i'm sure there's more than enough info on there) I'm thinking of a closeup on the Main Character, on the left side of the image, he's human, and on the right, he's Undead. (Undead...
  3. HellZDarkArkon

    Sprites, Tilesets, and maybe Audio

    Okay, so i've been working on this game, and Well, first off, i need some original sprites. These default sprites just...i don't think they agree with the game. I also need some better tilesets. Something that says Dark, Dreary. The Abyss is kind of a...opposite to our world. So I need...
  4. HellZDarkArkon

    Abyssal - Need members for the Team

    You might be right. I was just guestimating...
  5. HellZDarkArkon

    Abyssal - Need members for the Team

    My discord is HellZDarkArkon #9182
  6. HellZDarkArkon

    Abyssal - Need members for the Team

    first off...what? this is not proper grammar, and i can barely understand what you mean..."fantady" what do you mean by that? second, well, i'd be happy to have you onboard. have you an account at ?
  7. HellZDarkArkon

    [Commision and Paid] Voice Over Talent

    Hey all, I'm back from the dead...well, not dead, just...severely inactive over the course of my computers malfunction and eventual death. All's good now. I found something i might be better at than mapping (woo, like that's so good, i wasn't even good at mapping, i just said that because it...
  8. HellZDarkArkon

    Abyssal - Need members for the Team

    Hi. I'm the Hell "Z", I need members for my Team...A team for my game, it has an in-production name of Abyssal: The Tale of the Good Zombie and well, I'm not doing too good with it all alone. Truth be told...I need help. And, admittedly, I was scared to post this when I started because I...
  9. HellZDarkArkon

    Tales of the Lumminai - Assistance Wanted

    @Sinnistar this may sound really stupid or dumb, but do I apply?
  10. HellZDarkArkon

    I need a Story...HELP!

    1. I think that's a good idea, the MC (originally named "Darelusia") is thrown into the action as soon as he's able to leave Shao'Ra (Catacomb-like town of Undead as soon as you exit the first Cinematic and get into the game as a Revenant) one Revenant for an inexplicable reason, likes you...
  11. HellZDarkArkon

    I need a Story...HELP!

    I plan to have the average FF # of maps, FF3 had about 3 or 5 thousand maps. it was a more-than-15-hour game. that's what I hope to make this. (not saying it's going to be good, it is my first game, after all, just saying that's the style it's going to be.)
  12. HellZDarkArkon

    [Paid and Free] Mapper

    here's a bit of what I've done, there are some events in them.
  13. HellZDarkArkon

    [Paid and Free] Mapper

    btw, I won't be doing that many 4-hour GREAT maps. I can't concentrate that long
  14. HellZDarkArkon

    [Paid and Free] Mapper

    Hiya all! my names HellZ and I love mapping. It is one of the few aspects of RPG Maker that I don't SUUUUUUUUUUCK at. so that said, i'm offering to make maps for people, just describe it as much as you can, and if you have custom-made tilesets, send them to me via PM. if you can pay me...
  15. HellZDarkArkon

    I need a Story...HELP!

    ok, i'll try that. and thanks.
  16. HellZDarkArkon

    I need a Story...HELP!

    yes, and i like the idea GrantDaGreat used, there are those people who are too "Good" to be a (as he said) 'Flesher' and are cognizant and generally they become the "Takers" the humans who are too "Evil" to be "Fleshers" however, become cognizant, and, based on their personalities, generally...
  17. HellZDarkArkon

    Good Day from HellZ

    hello, HellZDarkArkon is the name, and I'm set to make my score on the world. If you help me, I will love you forever (figuratively, of course) and if you criticism is unneeded, I will not like you and overlook any and all responses from you for a good while. So, again, good day, and hello...
  18. HellZDarkArkon

    I need a Story...HELP!

    Ok, so I'm making a game with an in-dev name of 深淵:良いゾンビの物語 (Shin-en: Yoi Zonbi no Monogatari) or in english, Abyssal: the Tale of the Good Zombie. Now, I know the basics, your MC is a Revenant (Zombie that can think and act for him/herself) and is one of the only 8 revenants in the Realm...