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Search results

  1. Stevushka

    The Adventures of Todd: A School RPG (TAT:ASRPG)

    9/9/17 Update: 1.5 months later... I've decided to further extend the demo to encompass all of Act 1, Elementary School. I Just finished the script for Act 1.3, The Game. I hope to finish the script for at leasst the rest of elementary school by the end of 2017 (Then again, since when has...
  2. Stevushka

    My first game is in development

    What IS the game?
  3. Stevushka

    The Adventures of Todd: A School RPG - DEMO -

    Stevushka submitted a new resource: The Adventures of Todd: A School RPG - DEMO - - The first playable (Tutorial) level of 'The Adventure of Todd: A School RPG' Read more about this resource...
  4. Stevushka

    RPG Maker The Adventures of Todd: A School RPG - DEMO - 2017-11-28

    THE FIRST PLAYABLE LEVEL IS FINALLY HERE! Help Todd survive Kindergarten! Do any of Todd's classmates have anything interesting to say? Why do the kids only get 1 cracker each? Will Todd and his cracker be safe? Download and find out! Just move the zip file where you want it, unzip it, open...
  5. Stevushka

    HOLY COW! I haven't been on in a while, but I'm back, and making progress on my game TAT:ASRPG...

    HOLY COW! I haven't been on in a while, but I'm back, and making progress on my game TAT:ASRPG. Check it out in my "Under Development" post!
  6. Stevushka

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    where / how do we vote? **EDIT: Nvm, I found it lol
  7. Stevushka

    So... I realized when trying to show my music to a friend, that was deleted bc I was inactive on...

    So... I realized when trying to show my music to a friend, that was deleted bc I was inactive on my account... time to make new songs ig...
  8. Stevushka

    Just finished writing the script for Part 1, Act 1, "The Ring" for my game TAT:ASRPG!!! Moving...

    Just finished writing the script for Part 1, Act 1, "The Ring" for my game TAT:ASRPG!!! Moving on to Act 2, "The Toy Thief" now!!!
  9. Stevushka

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    Will do! I've been busy lately, but now that I'm not, I'll be on more and I'll make sure I don't miss anything else :)
  10. Stevushka

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    aw shoot, sorry about that... I haven't been on in a while, and I didn't see that... oh well... maybe next time...
  11. Stevushka

    MV.CO's First Game WIP Contest

    I would like to enter my game, "The Adventures of Todd: A School RPG" as well. While I don't have any screenshots to show off, I have the plot overview, outline, character bios, and some music. Here's the link:
  12. Stevushka

    Dreamstone Destiny

    The screenshots, the maps, are really great! I especially love the ones for Brumwich Marsh and Sylvarspel Pass. Really great work! they look detailed, yet simple, without being overwhelming, good job!
  13. Stevushka


    Sounds simple, but fun! I like the idea!
  14. Stevushka

    Camstratia - 4% complete

    Will do!
  15. Stevushka

    Videos In RPG Maker?!?

    Oh sweet! Thanks! I havent seen it before myself, and I honestly haven't really looked for it as of yet, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
  16. Stevushka

    Videos In RPG Maker?!?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering... is it possible to show a video in RPG Maker MV, similar to how you can bring up an image? I was thinking about opening up a video in a certain scene like a cut-scene, and I really want to try and do this. Does anyone know if this is possible?!?
  17. Stevushka

    Camstratia - 4% complete

    Subscribed! I must say, you guys did a phenomenal job on the site! Love It!
  18. Stevushka

    Just finished the script for the tutorial segment of TAT:ASRPG! Now I have to finish the rest of...

    Just finished the script for the tutorial segment of TAT:ASRPG! Now I have to finish the rest of the script... And design a title screen...
  19. Stevushka

    Side Mission Ideas?!?

    That's an interesting Idea! Although I'd hate to ruin the alliterated name, the way I have the story set up, it might actually work best in Middle School. But I'll see what I can do, thanks for the idea!
  20. Stevushka

    Mission log / Protagonists journal?!?

    Hey everyone. As I get closer and closer to the point where I will have everything I need to start making my game in RPG Maker, The more I need to start thinking about how to implement the features that I want. One of the features I want to add is a Players journal that updates from new...