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Search results

  1. TheUnsungWar

    "Knockout" = "Drained"

    So my revamped question is basically how to apply this state within the system how Knockout is (as it displays in the 'note' section). Except with MP and not HP. EX: MP goes from 25 to 0 for reason x, said character is now in a "knockout" state. [ SPOILER ] [ /SPOILER ] .... Sorry for the...
  2. TheUnsungWar

    Trying to figure out how to change the back/foreground in a battle...

    Trying to figure out how to change the back/foreground in a battle...
  3. TheUnsungWar

    "Knockout" = "Drained"

    Hello Everyone! So in my project I have been struggling with the ability to get the system to recognize a custom state I am trying to use. As the thread title suggests it it called "Drained" and is equatable to the status "Knockout". I have made a perfect match to the Knockout state but the...
  4. TheUnsungWar

    Newbie Here

    @MinisterJay Right now its just figuring stuff out. I want to learn more about creating my own characters. I see some of the members have already stepped away from the bare bones RMMV and created their own. That's what I am looking for right now. I am referencing SmRdmDude on youtube for a...
  5. TheUnsungWar

    Newbie here with a Tileset problem

    @Juneberry I just tried using your method and I must be doing it wrong because it deleted the resource I chose to import. From where are you importing it from? Within the program file or from desktop.
  6. TheUnsungWar

    Newbie here with a Tileset problem

    The copy of the game I have is through Steam. The game has an install location within "programs". With my limited knowledge of RMMV, I was unaware that the project is saved in a different location. Mine being in my local documents folder for some reason. I transferred the files to the correct...
  7. TheUnsungWar

    Newbie here with a Tileset problem

    Make sure that the directory is the correct directory... To check simple go to character generator and see where the file wants to be downloaded. You should know where to search after that.
  8. TheUnsungWar

    Newbie here with a Tileset problem

    New to RPG Maker and I am wanting to include the Tileset resources that the community has graciously given out. I have added the .png files to the img/tileset folder but RPG Maker isn't recognizing the new resources. Help.
  9. TheUnsungWar

    Newbie Here

    Hello everyone. As the subject line implies, I am new to RMMV. This site seems to have a great community so hopefully I will be welcomed among the ranks. :)
  10. TheUnsungWar

    I am just a newbie.

    I am just a newbie.