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  1. npfkey.log

    What Is Your RPG Maker Routine?

    a just work!
  2. npfkey.log

    you own company ?

    you own company ?
  3. npfkey.log

    also , if you gonna remove the character level in menu how you block it off codelike ..... do...

    also , if you gonna remove the character level in menu how you block it off codelike ..... do you go in rpg_scene and comment it out ? I don't want levels
  4. npfkey.log

    Script / Plugin Requests

    ok in I cant find levels
  5. npfkey.log

    Script / Plugin Requests

    experience kept for other game stuff ;p like if you have enough experience events can trigger or new skills etc. just like a game mechanic or so ? but will a lot of other scripts reference to level if it removed ?
  6. npfkey.log

    Script / Plugin Requests

    I want to remove leveling system but experience still kept if it a plugin it can be turn off .... (back to leveling system) how compatible would this script be ;(
  7. npfkey.log

    [Scripting]need like review of rpg_js

    I like websites instead of post s but can I copy you post
  8. npfkey.log

    practice a lot of stuff

    practice a lot of stuff
  9. npfkey.log

    [Scripting]need like review of rpg_js

    rpgmv of rpg_core , rpg_objects , rpg_windows main rpg_manager, rpg_scenes , rpg_sprites plugins need a througouly explaination of each script and reason why they there and xplaintion of each script, is of each part so someone help me make a blog / website explaining rpgmv core...
  10. npfkey.log

    ay you can review rpg_core for me ? I want to understand the content for I can script in it but...

    ay you can review rpg_core for me ? I want to understand the content for I can script in it but I know js fundamental but not rpgmv
  11. npfkey.log

    Let's share your Javascript/RMMV algorithm challenges here

    does this help with understand content
  12. npfkey.log

    I need you to review this rpg_core .... huh also how to pm it a long script

    I need you to review this rpg_core .... huh also how to pm it a long script
  13. npfkey.log

    List of MV Disappointments

    why you never make you own engine if you a great sscriper
  14. npfkey.log

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    but on the file when the game is over it wont go back to title
  15. npfkey.log

    Learn Javascript Basics

    C# is more beter to make with games because it is faster
  16. npfkey.log

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    can you help with this I wanna make the npc appear on screen just to see if the code can work basically so I can make it move