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  1. SlySly

    RPG Maker Cosmos 0.2

    This is my first game that has gotten to a playable length! As of now it is about 2-4 hours depending on what you know about the game. (ei the first go on the game would be a lot slower than the rest)
  2. SlySly

    How to Draw Better?

    XD... my digital drawing look better than my non digital... because I have been sketching only really
  3. SlySly

    Character Costume Design

    I like to think about a characters past and their current situation... I do like to keep it realistic though
  4. SlySly

    How to Draw Better?

    It's all practice... My tablet is really high quality, but it still took me a while to do anything decent. Just keep practicing with it. though I am not that good of an artist...
  5. SlySly

    Making an attack more powerful if a state is active

    I want to make it in my game so that if an enemy is inflicted with a state, (i.e. Bleeding) certain attacks will be more volatile. Such as "Song of blood"
  6. SlySly

    I have a website!

    It's where a large ship is attacked. The main character is saved from the falling ship before it explodes. The rest of the story is generally based on what the PC chooses to do. They will have a whole alien world to explore
  7. SlySly

    I have a website! Please check it out, it is where all my future games will be.
  8. SlySly

    "Francelette's Story" (First Demo)

    It is really good so far! There is a glitch with the player walking. You might want to check that... But otherwise, pretty smooth
  9. SlySly

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo (MAC)

    Are files missing? Because when I opened it, it simply said that the title image is missing.
  10. SlySly

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac

    Where can I download the mac version?
  11. SlySly

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac

    I plan on testing! I will see if there are any bugs on mac.
  12. SlySly

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac

    Can you upload a mac version? I would appreciate it. (jolly)