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Search results

  1. Kotori

    Moderators, Testers & Advertising

    Okie dokie~ ^~^♡ I might hang out in the resource section a lot more xD
  2. Kotori

    Moderators, Testers & Advertising

    Will we get an individual moderator for each category of the forums such as Resource, Script, and Showroom moderators? :3
  3. Kotori

    Here comes the member tsunami xD

    Here comes the member tsunami xD
  4. Kotori

    The Requisite "Hello World" Post

    Welcome to the group~
  5. Kotori

    Learn Javascript Basics

    Thank you guys for the share~ These shall be so useful to a cat like me~ ^~^♡
  6. Kotori

    What scripts would you like made?

    I would like to see a plug in/script that can enable you to make sim games like managing your own restaurant~ petshop~ and other stuff which involves decorating your own house, building~ It would be mind blowing if someone managed to create a Clash of Clans like plug-in where you develop a city...
  7. Kotori

    Moderators, Testers & Advertising

    Yup yup I agree~ Since I have a feeling that a ton of new ones will be flooding here once Rpg Maker MV is released. It would be wise to get some moderators who are capable of doing their job of "moderating"~ ^~^♥
  8. Kotori

    How do you like the site?

    I'm not too sure about setting limits for images since I make a ton of sprites each with their own image so.... :3 No limit would be nice ^~^
  9. Kotori

    Yup yup~ But I won't abandon my cat house on This place would be my second Cat House~

    Yup yup~ But I won't abandon my cat house on This place would be my second Cat House~
  10. Kotori

    How do you like the site?

    I just tapped/clicked on it then a ton of choices were presented to me xD
  11. Kotori

    A Mysterious Cat Approaches~

    ^~^ It is up to you to decide meow~ ^~^♥
  12. Kotori

    How do you like the site?

    I like the mood banner stuff thingy and the trophy points stuff~ I agree about the image limit (which is 20) since it wouldn't be too good for resource creators to not post a ton of images when they contribute ^~^
  13. Kotori

    A Mysterious Cat Approaches~

    Hi hi~ ^~^♥ You should vote in my poll xD It is a tricky question meow :3
  14. Kotori

    The Shrine Maiden says Hello!~

    Hiiii~ ^~^♥ Yup, it's nice to see a lot of familiar faces here~ Let's make this forum a great place like we did on
  15. Kotori

    A Mysterious Cat Approaches~

    Hi hi everyone~ My name is Kotori, I am 20 years old and I live at.... Wait a minute, that's a elementary introduction! I must think of something else... okay from the start~ How's it going bros! My name is Ko-to-ri~ Wait a minute... that's a famous youtuber's introduction.... okay, okay...
  16. Kotori

    Hi Skyninja~ ^~^

    Hi Skyninja~ ^~^
  17. Kotori

    Hi hi ^~^♥

    Hi hi ^~^♥
  18. Kotori


  19. Kotori

    Meow...... *_*

    Meow...... *_*
  20. Kotori

    Meow... :3

    Meow... :3