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Search results

  1. Wimpbox

    Revenge of the Evils - A Great Crossover game

    I have a question for you: Has the game yet to completed? How much it's left to finish this game?
  2. Wimpbox

    8-bit JRPG Windowskin

    Dynamicill submitted a new resource: 8-bit JRPG Windowskin - A standard windowskin based off most NES JRPGs, as seen from Dragon Quest! Read more about this resource...
  3. Wimpbox

    RPG Maker 8-bit JRPG Windowskin 1.0

    This is my first resource, it's not a sprite but it's a windowskin for VX and VX Ace. This windowskin is based off some NES JRPGs such as Dragon Quest, EarthBound Zero, etc. and this file has aswell changed colors from the NES palette. For better experience, i suggest you to use Press Start...
  4. Wimpbox

    if you need a laugh WATCH THIS ASAP !!

    I'd find this really funny that that:
  5. Wimpbox


  6. Wimpbox

    Somebody check out my screenies on the screenshot thread!

    Somebody check out my screenies on the screenshot thread!
  7. Wimpbox

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    This night i was working on a prototype thingy for my fangame, so far i am using some sounds ripped from MOTHER 1 / EarthBound Zero aswell some others are from Megami Tensei for the NES. Here are some screenies of the current prototype:
  8. Wimpbox

    Menagerie: Remastered! So this game is alike a boss game, xD
  9. Wimpbox

    Signature problem

    Thanks! It works now! :3
  10. Wimpbox

    Signature problem

    Actually my signature infact has 3 lines, here's what it would look like:
  11. Wimpbox

    Thanks, it's not mine btw.

    Thanks, it's not mine btw.
  12. Wimpbox

    Signature problem

    Hi guys, i was editing my signature for my fangame but even if my signature tends to be short, i keep getting this error: Does anyone have this problem?
  13. Wimpbox

    Where'd you hear about us?

    Same for me. I didn't find very interesting at first until there are good people in here :)
  14. Wimpbox

    My To-Do List

    The Non-MV forum should have boards about RPG Maker VX Ace, XP, 2003, etc. aswell the RGSS1-3 scripts board. :P
  15. Wimpbox

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    I tried the trial and...yep i agree with you, it's a little unstable looking at this time...
  16. Wimpbox

    Menagerie: Remastered!

    This game was great in quality, i remember playing your other game Intelligence and it enjoyed the futuristic atmosphere that contained in your games. However, the problem with this game is the bosses are really overbalanced, while the enemies in the map don't give you experience. :|
  17. Wimpbox

    List of MV Disappointments

    Another disappointment is when i got the trial i saw you can't change the language. :(
  18. Wimpbox

    It's up, and ready to download for those who pre-ordered

    I do have a Steam, but i never use that a lot anymore because i can't control my inactivity, i always become busy all time time... :| Also, my mom doesn't want me either to get some Steam Wallets. :(
  19. Wimpbox

    The MV trial is out Ah, the RPG Maker MV trial is out... i'm trying this software here but in my opinion i have a hatred of evalutation trials, it wastes time for me. I'm gonna mess over with this for a little.