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  1. Lore

    Ohayo, minna!

    Welcome to the forums @XionMcGarden! Glad to have you here! :D If you have any questions, feel free to ask, for we are all here to help! :D
  2. Lore

    After last weeks dog's breakfast, I have being returning to the land of crazy known as the...

    After last weeks dog's breakfast, I have being returning to the land of crazy known as the forums! <3
  3. Lore

    Your work never ceases to amaze me! <3

    Your work never ceases to amaze me! <3
  4. Lore


    Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have for we are all here to help! :D
  5. Lore

    The Never Ending Post Count

    115. Just...I have no words.
  6. Lore

    The Never Ending Post Count

    113. Oh really, hrmm?
  7. Lore

    Me likey! <3

    Me likey! <3
  8. Lore

    A New Member from Germany

    Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D
  9. Lore

    Yes, get better! <3

    Yes, get better! <3
  10. Lore

    I agree with @[871:@MinisterJay]

    I agree with @[871:@MinisterJay]
  11. Lore

    The Never Ending Post Count

    111. Wow. I am quite horrified. :O
  12. Lore

    Continue the Sentence!

    ...and it spat its seeds at the ground, causing...
  13. Lore

    New person, new greeting, yaddayaddayadda. You've all seen it before.

    Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D Also, yay! Lazy! <3
  14. Lore

    Continue the Sentence!

    ...when the land was coated in glitter...
  15. Lore

    The Never Ending Post Count

    109. Maybe later. Still full from lunch. :)
  16. Lore

    I was instructed to introduce myself as a part of my account set-up.

    Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D
  17. Lore

    The Never Ending Post Count

    107. Depends on the mushroom type I suppose.
  18. Lore


    Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D
  19. Lore

    Hai hai!

    Welcome to the sheer insanity we like to call the forums! :D Feel free to ask any questions you may have, for we are all here to help! :D
  20. Lore

    Please send cold to Australia. Will exchange for heat.

    Please send cold to Australia. Will exchange for heat.