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  1. Jazeeri

    How do you start a new Project

    I start with a simple idea, then begin building the basic map and buildings. As I add in details the story begins to evolve. Why is this building like this, why are these things here. I edit my tiles as I go for what I need, and begin to get ideas from new things I learn to event, as I always...
  2. Jazeeri

    How do you structure your game making?

    I am very new to this only since December. I started a game for a group of my friends as my first major project. The way I am structuring it, is to put in all the trivial, interesting, secret panels, mysteries, basic theme, while I develop the skills and weapons and mobs I wish to use. After...
  3. Jazeeri

    Graphical artifact sometimes when event choices is open

    Well, my os and all there in is updated. It seems to be a continuing periodic issue. I wonder if Steam overlay has anything to do with it. It's work aroundable, as just closing rpgmaker and restarting it tends to fix any issues. I think it happens most when I been working for long enough to...
  4. Jazeeri

    Graphical artifact sometimes when event choices is open

    So, it doesn't happen all the time and has only started recently ( in the past week) Generally, but not always, after I have been working more 4 hours on the project. I use a Mac airbook with Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB and it only happens when event 'show choices' is open. It will sometimes...
  5. Jazeeri

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    This weekend I spent time eventing a dance routine by the dancing girls at a club in my project. I want to say it took all weekend, but in truth it was only a few hours. I got them to strut to the music lol. I have to say, now that I have watched it a few dozen times while debugging the area...
  6. Jazeeri

    Fire (~A~)

    The preview has a look of plasma and seems very fluid-like. A bit too shiny for regular fire. I think it's pretty with a demonic touch. I see a couple demons at the top and bottom :)
  7. Jazeeri

    What purpose is Nickname in Actor Creation?

    I wondered if there was a coding application for nicknames. I was wondering if they were used to bestow titles on characters at certain xp point totals.
  8. Jazeeri

    What purpose is Nickname in Actor Creation?

    I was wondering how nickname for the actor used exactly?
  9. Jazeeri

    REQUEST: How would one do non battle animations

    How I would put a rod in, I would take the character walking png and edit it with a fishing pole name it fishing png and then use it in the event with either change picture in the moving event or in the event pages. I think though, you could find fishing sprites on...
  10. Jazeeri

    Programing a Roulette wheel?

    Oh wow that's a nice way to do it. I like your on the fly spinning sky too :) Thank you!
  11. Jazeeri

    Programing a Roulette wheel?

    The rotation of the picture I understand --not sure how to allow player input. I was really thinking of something simpler (I am still learning all of this). This might be a bit difficult for me yet :) Thanks for your input!
  12. Jazeeri

    Programing a Roulette wheel?

    Has anyone ever programed a roulette wheel/pseudo roulette wheel event or know of a tutorial I could view? I know there is name input with numbers, which would be nice but not really necessary for a pseudo event, but if anyone had any ideas how to construct something like this, I would...
  13. Jazeeri

    RPG Maker MV Version 1.1 Update

    Confused about updated scripts. I am a steam/mac user My current project opened with new generator parts, buttons to confirm closing windows in events etc and new manager for resources. Do I need to still add the JS scripts from the new data folder or did it do it all automatically?
  14. Jazeeri

    Sunny day

    Sometimes, when I want to work on my project and it's sunny out.. I can't get into it. Even if it's cold and snowy. The sun distracts me and makes me want to do something more physical. With the new update, I want to work on my project... but IT'S SUNNY out :( WHY!?
  15. Jazeeri

    RPG Maker MV Version 1.1 Update

    If you copy the JS files into you project you might want to be careful not to over write generator parts if you already added new ones to a project.
  16. Jazeeri

    I bet you didn't know 1 thing about me

    I bet you didn't know I was retired.
  17. Jazeeri

    The Never Ending Post Count

    34 leetle bats ahahaha. (My best count from Sesame Street voice)
  18. Jazeeri

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    After working a few weeks on my game structure, plot and cast, last night I decided how I would start it. So finally today got the opening sequence programmed. Now I am smoking to get going. It's my first /real/ project. (I can't count the learning how to use RPG maker mv game as it really...
  19. Jazeeri

    Old Art v. New Art

    I like the chubbiness of the new model. The old model looks hungry.
  20. Jazeeri

    Snipping Tool

    I searched forum for info about this tool (the scissors) and didn't see any posts titled such. I am a Mac user and while I have had the paste/copy tools (the snipping /paste/copy trio at the top left of the tool bar) functional, the snipping tool is always greyed out. I would like to use the...