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  1. Jazeeri

    Request: Sleeping Sprites and other things and These are both free (Pyxel edit has a free version for both mac and windows) but it's super cheap to help support the work with a humble bundle. I try to practice a few times a week with these programs to get better at...
  2. Jazeeri

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo (MAC)

    Okay my next question, is there any music? I hear waterfalls, and sound effects but no music in battle or while in the forest. Is working as intended or am I missing music now? I don't mind the quiet but wonder if it's as intended :)
  3. Jazeeri

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo (MAC)

    YAY it works! It's odd that all those files were missing from the folder. I wonder if it's a bug of some kind? And why missing from there? And was it because you used the exclude unused files on deployment? Well thank you! I am curious to play your game and see how my first project stacks up...
  4. Jazeeri

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo (MAC)

    So, this is what happens now, it's more specific: The only thing I have in titles1 is fountain.png. I am hoping this will help you. I don't see any other images, except that missing image png at the bottom of the list is still there. Also, the only ocean png I see in the contents are the...
  5. Jazeeri

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo (MAC)

    Woot great, will down load it and see. I was wondering if I just put an image in it's place if it would work but didn't want to mess with it :) I hope it works too! thanks!
  6. Jazeeri

    Tales of the Lumminai Demo (MAC)

    Downloaded the files for mac and Error: Fail to load img/titles/background :( There is a png in the file called missing image.png it's just a question mark. It's near the bottom of the contents.
  7. Jazeeri

    The Never Ending Post Count

    I will be married 37 years in five years.
  8. Jazeeri

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Widen my map today and found out that I had to redo all the teleports on all the doors, and teleports though out. Mental note, don't do that again. :)
  9. Jazeeri

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Finally put in a complete 5 step quest series, my first ever. Still debugging it (the hard way) and I almost got it finished just a few rough edges and I am done with it. I been basically laying out the game setting and have about 1/2 the maps done. I think tomorrow it will be totally debugged...
  10. Jazeeri

    This is my trick to keeping track of things, what tricks do you use?

    Part of my first year in game development series. Okay sharing a new trick (at least to me) which I figure out today. If you are making a quest series which needs many objects that are across a few maps, tip of the day. Make a map/room and construct the entire quest in the room, switches and...
  11. Jazeeri

    Game Dev Battle Match 3: Minty Vs. CT_Bolt

    Demo worked well on the mac and I liked your opening and it was interesting how you had the clicking for the dialog output, also found it oddly quiet on the battle screens without the ME and the BGM change. The stitched man in the house didn't have his erase set and lighting the fire was nice...
  12. Jazeeri

    How do you start a new Project

    So my book came at the end of last week and I have to recommend it to anyone that has not read it. It's well thought out and has me heck -bent -for -election in the 'oh I have another idea dept.' I am only about 1/5 of the way though it reading a chapter or two a day and thinking about how I...
  13. Jazeeri

    How can I make a Lantern effect

    Nehoran, what you were trying to do you needed to link a picture to the xy (show picture) which is basically dark translucent the correct size with a 'hole' in the middle of it with the hole image being fairly clear, that's how that way works but just using the terrax lighting system will do...
  14. Jazeeri

    This is my trick to keeping track of things, what tricks do you use?

    So I came upon this idea as I realized that some characters I am making I want to use several ways throughout the plot of the project and would eventually need switches added as I decided how this would actually be evented. So I came up with a place holder event name called: "Needs More" I...
  15. Jazeeri

    What does it all mean?

    So, the rate tab in states, also go on the receiver. Meaning your target could be more or less affected by states for some skills/spells. Make your tank harder to KO sort of thing? If that's right, then I understand it. :) Thank you. I was wondering why attack skill had the attribute of 100%...
  16. Jazeeri

    What does it all mean?

    I just want to know which ones apply to the user of the ability, and which ones apply to the receiver of the ability. I can't easily tell and seems always to be trial and error for me. Is the RECOVERY to the user of the skill or receiver of the skill? Does STATE go on user or the receiver...
  17. Jazeeri

    What does it all mean?

    When I create a new skill/state the Effects always mix me up. I can't tell if I am setting up an effect for the user or the receiver of the effect. How can I tell? The tool tip never indicates user or receiver specifically and I grope back and forth adjusting it till it appears right but I...
  18. Jazeeri

    How do you start a new Project

    Good point, so good in fact I just ordered that book now from Amazon used for 15 bucks :) I will read it, as I am trying to get better. :)
  19. Jazeeri

    How do you start a new Project

    True about AAA generally (case in point Division with plot holes, and bugs out the wazoo ) But many are not writing that AAA game yet, still learning the skills or doing it for fun. :)