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  1. OldPat

    AIKA - The Fragile Dance of the Broken Soul

    - Introduction - It has been exactly one year since PSYCHE Locke. Time really flies. Let's celebrate PSYCHE Locke's one year anniversary by talking a bit about the game I'm currently developing, AIKA - The Fragile Dance of the Broken Soul. AIKA is a short 2D Rhythm Game with Visual Novel...
  2. OldPat

    Karma Flow - The Prototype - Version 1.6.1

    Version 1.6.1 of the game has been released! It include various bug fixes. Above all, the score submission has been fixed. The secondary leaderboards will now update correctly! I wanna thank PepsiOtaku, the creator of the wonderful GameJolt’s integration plugin, for helping me out in fixing...
  3. OldPat

    Karma Flow - The Prototype [FULL - ENG/ITA]

    Thank you, Cunechan! The game is finished and already available in italian. It just needs to be translated :) although, as I wrote in the introduction section, "The Prototype" is merely a first chapter of the future real Karma Flow. It estabilishes the story, characters and the main gameplay...
  4. OldPat

    Karma Flow - The Prototype 1.6

    - Introduction - Karma Flow – the Prototype is a Noir Open-Stealth game made with RPG Maker 2003 for a Short Game Contest indicted last year by an italian community. The game was developed in a month and a half. As the subtitle implies, this is only a prototype for the real chapters which I'm...
  5. OldPat

    Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)

    Long time, no see? It's a very busy period for me recently, so it's hard to find the time to draw anything at all. Since it's holiday time, I'll try to fix that. Starting with this two heavy WIP sketches: Direct Link: This one served as practice for...
  6. OldPat

    Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)

    And here's that artwork I was doing for my friend's YouTube Channel. Thank you for the critique and the advices! I tried to make all the necessary adjustments that I could, but the drawing already reached an almost finished status and was... really difficult for me to navigate through all those...
  7. OldPat

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    Thank you for the really detailed feedback, sage! :) That... isn't a table, actually, but a very strange horse-drawn carriage. The horse is hidden (I, ehr, didn't want to draw it. xD), but you can see the girl holding the reins (WIP reins, really "ugly" they are xD). Hence the strange "legs" and...
  8. OldPat

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    I'm really glad you like it, LTN Games, thanks! That's a relief.^^' At least is not that bad.
  9. OldPat

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    Hi, all! I would like to know if you think this drawing is good: Link diretto: I'm doing it for a friend's Youtube Channel and I would like it to be as good-looking as possible. It's still WIP, a bit, even though is almost finished. I don't think I will be...
  10. OldPat

    Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)

    Ah, I see, sorry I'm retarded! xD Thank you, had a feeling 'bout this but couldn't pinpoint the problem!^^
  11. OldPat

    Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)

    You mean that is too distant from them? The pose would make a bit more sense with the background I had in mind, as she is supposedly "saluting" someone while exiting from a window. Needs some adjustments either way, I suppose. Yea, the clothing in the first one has a bit more detailed shadow...
  12. OldPat

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    @Bizarre Monkey @sage Thank you both! I'm still new to this Rule of Thirds thing, but I'm recently trying to take this into account when making new artworks. Also yeah, actually it would've been way better if the "Saxophone-playing Torments" were directioned toward the girl. Damn, those two...
  13. OldPat

    Hey there.

    Welcome, Kylone! Hope you'll enjoy the tool as much as we do! :P
  14. OldPat

    Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)

    Thank you both.^^ Here are three more artworks from my dA. Some advices, regarding anatomy mostly, are always welcome! :) Direct Link: Direct Link...
  15. OldPat

    Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)

    Oh, ok! Sorry, I'm stupid!^^'' I used Photoshop to tweak the saturation of the first image a bit and to make the composition of the second one (put all the characters together and such). Thank you all for the feedback.^^ I'm still trying to improve myself so feel free to tell me what you like...
  16. OldPat

    Things 'n Stuff ( drawings mostly)

    Thanks! What do you mean by enhanced?
  17. OldPat

    Karma Flow - The Prototype [FULL - ENG/ITA]

    Figured I could start sharing some gameplay with you! (It's in italian, though. Old gameplay video. ;|) I'll explain it a bit: This is the first episode of the game. It doesn't offer the same amount of freedom as the other missions do, but does provide the player with more than one way to...
  18. OldPat

    Happy Holidays Everyone

    Welcome, Ravani! It might be challenging not to use any preset, but you will certainly be extremely satisfied with the result. Not to mention that the game will surely gain in personality by using different assets instead of the standard ones. Good work and good luck with your projects! ^^
  19. OldPat

    Hi, everyone!

    Thank you too, Macro!^^ (Macro and... Micro? xD) Yeah, is really difficult to deal with 2003, especially if you want to create something entirely different from a RPG. For Karma Flow, the game I made that I'm currently translating, I had to deal with lots, lots, LOTS of problems (since I was...
  20. OldPat

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    I... didn't saw this topic! o.o I'm seriously in need of genuine feedbacks\criticisms\advices. I'm looking to improve myself more and more. I'll just post one of the new artworks I made: Direct Link...