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Search results

  1. Neotheny

    Sprites Chibi Robo Character Set

    i would make them 64 in height and reduce the size of the head, to get that nice slim robotic figure. also, metals are highly reflective surfaces. here are few examples how the shading should look like (1st and 2nd in the 2nd row):
  2. Neotheny

    The Dazzling Wizard Byrath

    everything looks great, but i would definitely change the name from wizard to something else. i struggled to pay attention, just because there is a 'wizard' in the name. try something that might intrigue people, like savant, thaumaturge, arcanist, theurgist or something like that.
  3. Neotheny

    NON RPGMAKER stuff

    i would be really interested in this. never heard of this program until now. scripting wise, how does GG compare to RM?
  4. Neotheny

    In search of freeware

    i've used few programs for spriting, some free (graphics gale, piskel), some not (photoshop, spriter), but i recently discovered aseprite and i'm amazed at how good it is. best spriting and animating program by far. It's open source, so it's free. also, it has such a good looking retro...
  5. Neotheny

    Choice-Oriented RPG Creation here are all the entries. bottom of the page is intro.
  6. Neotheny

    Choice-Oriented RPG Creation

    maybe you should check living town tutorial series on the official blog. here is the introduction to the tutorials: it's about town, in which it's occupants do their own thing regardless of players action. in short, rpgmaker skyrim.
  7. Neotheny

    EvilChibi's rooooodest Campaign

    how about amys' then?
  8. Neotheny

    EvilChibi's rooooodest Campaign

    can you make our usernames same color as eien's, so i can actually see them?
  9. Neotheny

    Stand For Something ~ MinisterJay

    since you mentioned law, how much do you know about licenses? can we come to you with questions such as "can i use CC-BY-SA 3 licensed assets in my commercial game"?
  10. Neotheny

    Advice on making world maps

    tell me about it. i've seen some maps that would put side scrolling games to shame :) i also like more to connect points of interest via exteriors or dungeons and waypoints, instead of world maps.
  11. Neotheny

    Advice on making world maps

    i hate world maps and never use them, so i can't really add to this topic. but if you want to know how to avoid them, then i could be of assistance :)
  12. Neotheny

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    yesterday i've been working on a sprite for my black and white noir game. got the basics done, but it needs more shading. what do you guys think?
  13. Neotheny

    How does gender affect character entirely?

    well, it really depends on the game. arcanum had an immense character creation screen. both male and female counteparts had boons to them, but it was different for each race. for example male human gave you +1 strenght and female human gave you +1 stamina, while male elf gave you +1 dexterity...
  14. Neotheny

    RETRO Black and White RPG Games

    it's like you read my mind :) i'm trying to make a black and white noir game based on a comic i drew a long time ago, when i was inspired by sin city. black and white just screams noir and old movies (like sunset boulevard) to me.
  15. Neotheny

    Choice-Oriented RPG Creation

    If the end goal is memorable NPCs, i would go in the opposite direction. have all the NPCs interact with each other and do stuff based on the players progression instead of player choices. it's not realistic that people wait for someone to tell them what to do. trails in the sky would be a...
  16. Neotheny

    Is it possible to call some kind of password event by script or plugin?

    maybe there is a plugin for that, but you could make an empty actor, then have an event with command [input actors name] then have a conditional branch for right and wrong.
  17. Neotheny

    Just saying Hi!

    Hello all! I always wanted to try myself at game making, but never had the time because of my studies. Now that I finished them, I wanna give game developement a go :) I like mapping (well, I am an architect now :)) and sprite making.