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  1. Alcha Emy

    Hello Everyone

    Ooo a programmer! My creator can't program worth nuthin but he's trying to make an awesome game about me which while I am awesome, it can suffer if he doesn't do it right. I'm watching you creator @_@ Anyways, consider yourself officially awesomely welcomed by the great Alcha Emy, GREATEST...
  2. Alcha Emy

    Hello! everyone

    Greetings! I am the great Alcha Emy, GREATEST ALCHEMIST IN THE WORLD! Don't worry I'm sure you'll find your awesome! Consider yourself officially awesomely welcomed!
  3. Alcha Emy

    How did I get here?

    Dramatic! I don't really care for drama but eh to each their own right? Welcome! I am the GREAT ALCHA EMY! Greatest alchemist in the world! I have recently gotten out of my creators head and it is now time for me to spread my awesome!
  4. Alcha Emy

    Great to hear guys! ( Love the abbreviation by the way >o < )

    Great to hear guys! ( Love the abbreviation by the way >o < )
  5. Alcha Emy

    Hey there ya awesome people! How was your Christmas? Mine was awesome but I'm sure you knew that~

    Hey there ya awesome people! How was your Christmas? Mine was awesome but I'm sure you knew that~
  6. Alcha Emy

    Nope! My creator made one in Ace or was trying to but he never finished it. It's to bad cause I...

    Nope! My creator made one in Ace or was trying to but he never finished it. It's to bad cause I was in that one to even if I wasn't the main character, me being there just made it awesome!
  7. Alcha Emy

    Nnneat! Been using it exactly 22 days now!

    Nnneat! Been using it exactly 22 days now!
  8. Alcha Emy

    Need some help with Yanfly plugin.

    Ohhh ok, here Oh I should mention I put you in my testing area. Just talk to the blue haired girl and the plugin command will or should activate.
  9. Alcha Emy

    Need some help with Yanfly plugin.

    um, dunno if this will work or not but here ya go?
  10. Alcha Emy

    Need some help with Yanfly plugin.

    I have tested it many times. Even changed were the vaule is an ect. But it still ain't working.
  11. Alcha Emy

    Need some help with Yanfly plugin.

    Righto! Here's a link to the plugin: Next, I basically want relationship variables for me, between my pals and myself! Players always seem to like having those! Anyways, I have the variable set up in spot 6 for Anny but I don't want it showing up will your...
  12. Alcha Emy

    Need some help with Yanfly plugin.

    So more or less I'm asking for some help on how I can contact Yanfly to as them about the plugin but if you know what's going wrong an how to fix it that;d be great! It's the Actor Variables plugin. Basically I have variables I don't want visiable till certain points in the game. I have em...
  13. Alcha Emy


    Awesome! Consider yourself awesomely welcomed by the great Alcha Emy, the GREATEST ALCHEMIST ever!
  14. Alcha Emy

    Hi guys

    Welcome! Hope to see you be awesome alongside this awesome community! I Alcha Emy, GREATEST ALCHEMIST EVER, look forward to seeing your awesome work!
  15. Alcha Emy


    I DO know! I know that you have just gained +1 awesome for joining this awesome place! I the great Alcha Emy, GREATEST ALCHEMIST EVER awesomely welcome you to this site!
  16. Alcha Emy

    Whelp, I'm back, so ask Kerux anything!

    Welcome back! I may not know ya but it's great to have you back! I am the great ALCHA EMY! Greatest Alchemist ever! I decided to climb out of my creators head and start spreading my awesome!
  17. Alcha Emy

    Wear that name with pride! Only the true alchemists will randomly grab plants, ESPECIALLY the...

    Wear that name with pride! Only the true alchemists will randomly grab plants, ESPECIALLY the ones we have no idea what they can be used for before we get em. It takes a special kind of awesome to do what we do. *Puts on sunglasses and strikes a cool pose*
  18. Alcha Emy

    Music Kaimen's MV Music Pack

    You make a fine point there! Keep being awesome! ^_~
  19. Alcha Emy

    Awesome and Crazy feelings for forum?

    Indeed my friend, indeed! Awesome people make awesome company. Well you guys are awesome for making/maintaining this awesome place! After all a place needs to BE awesome in order for it to be able to contain my awesome! The awesome thing about awesome is that it can only get MORE awesome...
  20. Alcha Emy

    Hehe, poor girl must be exhausted. Props to her for taking on a difficult job this time of year...

    Hehe, poor girl must be exhausted. Props to her for taking on a difficult job this time of year! Merry Christmas to you and your fam!