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  1. Chaos17

    Posting Contest!

    Username: Chaos17 Current Post Count: 27 Form of Payment: Paypal
  2. Chaos17

    [Plugin] MogHunter Actor picture

    Hi, Thank you for your reply. I also tried it and it didn't change a thing (cat) BUMP
  3. Chaos17

    [Plugin] MogHunter Actor picture

    Hi, Thank you for your reply. I tried what you suggested me and it produce the same bug.
  4. Chaos17

    [Plugin] MogHunter Actor picture

    Hi, I've a small problem at the moment. While using Mog Hunter plugins (Battle Command and Actor picture) I realised that the portrait of my hero doesn't go above my battle command picture but behind it. Plugins that I used : Actor picture Battle command Sorry for my bad english. Example ...
  5. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today and yesterday, I spent most of my time to work effects that would suit any of my classrooms for a small project that I'm making for a small contest. These are in game screenshots. First effect I made, it looked well in another classroom that had a different angle. Tried to find a second...
  6. Chaos17

    [Writer] Commisioned and Free

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. I think, it's the first option you mentionned because she is on a journey to make her wish come true.
  7. Chaos17

    [Writer] Commisioned and Free

    Hello, Sorry, this is a stupid question but I don't know if the title of my game is written right : Original > Cecilia Wish But I think that's the right one > Cecilia's Wish Google translate version > The wish of Cécilia Ginger version > Cecilia wishes What I want to say in my title is that...
  8. Chaos17

    [PAID] Soul's Plugin Creation Shop (Open, 1 Slot)

    Haha, I'm such a dummy. I forgot to post it, lol Victory aftermatth : Victory aftermatth add-on :
  9. Chaos17

    [PAID] Soul's Plugin Creation Shop (Open, 1 Slot)

    Yeah, so I can design my own background, in game example : Unfortunaly, the plugin that I'm using at the moment is discontinued like I said above so it's not working with Yanfly Victory Aftermath for example (there're maybe more than just that plugin). That's why I asked you *shy* I will be...
  10. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today, I translated terms in the database from english to french and I don't know why I mixed different verb conjugation (slanty)
  11. Chaos17

    [PAID] Soul's Plugin Creation Shop (Open, 1 Slot)

    Hi, How much will it cost to make a plugin that put a picture in the background of menus ? I know that some plugins already exist but they have beeen discontinued by their authors... I mostly use Yanfly plugins.
  12. Chaos17

    RTP Will-o-Wisp face image?

    That batler looks nice, where did it come from ? Anyway, maybe this will help you : You will find the faceset of his whisp inside the .rar
  13. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    I kinda just did the database by polishing some stuff, ading some new skills then testing in combats those tweaks. I'm still in the middle of trying to find the core of my gameplay, for now it's focused on Mr.Triviel plugin because I want to repdroce something like in Tale of Phantasia.
  14. Chaos17

    Simple Skill Leveling

    Hello, First, thank for this plugin. It became the core of my gameplay. I would like to suggest if possible to make some upgrade to it, for example : - be able to combine multiple skills to unlock new skill. <Learn Require Skill: [ID], [ID], [USES]> <Learn Require Skill: [ID] to [ID], [USES]>...
  15. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Added a shield to my little tank on her "guard pose"
  16. Chaos17

    New battle system

    Here :
  17. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    It's part of the new update of the plugin, you just have to update and dowload the pictures in first post;)
  18. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today, I made the re-designed the item menu and the style/feeling (sorry for my english) is a little too different from my main menu -.- Main menu done earlier this month I think, when I'm done with the database for chapter 1 (50-60% done), I will do all the menu in one go so they will...
  19. Chaos17

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Today, with the help of plugins I made passives skills that can level up.
  20. Chaos17

    [Writer] Commisioned and Free

    Thank you for your reply, as a none native english speaker that will help me with the translation of my game. I will contact you when I will be ready (cute)