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  1. Myzt

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Finally ...battle HUD design done... HUD design by me and HUD Plugin by Moghunter :3 Oh and this almost shows the Custom battle system somehow and a custom-made animation In progress ? I gave abit of emphasis to both HP and MP slightly because they are essential but not too clunky for the SV...
  2. Myzt

    Battle HUD design done , next up actor HUD :3

    Battle HUD design done , next up actor HUD :3
  3. Myzt

    Violet mist window

    Myzt updated Violet mist window with a new update entry: WINDOW RESOURCE UPDATE Read the rest of this update entry...
  4. Myzt

    RPG Maker Violet mist window - WINDOW RESOURCE UPDATE

    Changes your custom MV windows to have a violet mist cloudy dim effect Update 0.0.1: Changes and enhancements to give that more gives enticing violet cloudy dim effect to your windows (no more boxy-window effect)
  5. Myzt

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Added "Lemme summon a enemy monster " User Event
  6. Myzt

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Repolished my custom Battle system and added own custom animations And applied this custom made window(looks good for the game theme I'm working on)...still needs polishing and fixing though...
  7. Myzt

    Violet mist window

    Myzt submitted a new resource: Violet mist window - Violet cloudy theme Read more about this resource...
  8. Myzt

    RPG Maker Violet mist window 1.0.0

    A simple window theme that'll add more spice to your custom window in a very violet-cloudy-enticing effect. Screenshot test in mobile web browser W/ custom window : (Note:Since this is my first resource made for public use...there will be more updates of enhancements and fixings of this)...
  9. Myzt

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Bizarre Monkey Well , I meant to say most of your artwork videos/screenshots you post here :)
  10. Myzt

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Bizarre Monkey yours are just very awesome o.o Dunno y I'm getting the undertale vibes from your posts here...
  11. Myzt

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Added moar items... Blue and Violet apples...
  12. Myzt

    Running out of Plugin Ideas

    How abt a plugin that "also shows the visual gauges of MP and TP" like similar to Yan*** visual HP gauges but customizable by imgs , like your plugins? To add some functional flare (both enemies and actors)
  13. Myzt

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Juzt a "Demonic ruinic bizarre Dungeon map"(inner area from my game in development)" Need feedbacks on of my view of demon-ruinic dungeons are crooked , not boxy areas and well intense darks and violets .. Dunno if that's good... @.@ (Most of em are custom edits) PS...forgot to...
  14. Myzt

    Encounter rate 100!?

    @Neotheny well I plan to use both actually but..I have different plans in onmap-visible enemies . (Concept taken from other past games...I know someone applied this b4 in MV so credits to him too)
  15. Myzt

    Revezure (semi-apocalyptic story)

    Okay , I'll try that and those , when I have time x3
  16. Myzt

    Revezure (semi-apocalyptic story)

    I see , seems alot are using OBS . Gonna try it then Paint , ok will try it too...the only problem left is , the can't attach files , just link URLs.
  17. Myzt

    Revezure (semi-apocalyptic story)

    @EvilChibi , yeah it seems that way cuz I just "printscreened " and pasted it onto Photoshop(w/ the current resolution size) dunno what other ways of to do it looks stretched. Also it's true that I only used my phone for recording this xD . I'll do fix em soon .Now I really do wonder...
  18. Myzt

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Bizarre Monkey , yeah there seems to be a problem w/ my internet connection atm...dunno if it's a tab/mobile problem too... The second time I posted/replied here was already an "attachment file"image not Gmail image.I wonder if that solves the problem 0.0...
  19. Myzt

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    @Cunechan , here tho seems the Battleback seems abit Off...will edit it later
  20. Myzt

    Encounter rate 100!?

    Atm, I want atleast 1-4(max) encounters in 1 map of size 60x42 to atleast be player friendly at the start of the game demo :D