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  1. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! It's good to see you joined us here. How long have you been into RPG Maker? Or is MV the first one you've used? I hope to see you around!
  2. Akod

    Hi there!

    Welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to join us, this is a great place to be for someone just starting out with RPG Maker. There are so many friendly people here who are more than happy to help with anything you may need. Remember, if you have any questions at all, whether they're about this...
  3. Akod

    Event become invisible during progression - any idea whats wrong?

    Glad I could help! It's usually the simplest things that you tend to overlook, still happens to me from time to time. =) If you would be so kind as to mark my response as best answer so if someone else happens to have the same problem it would be clear that there is a solution in this thread I...
  4. Akod

    Event become invisible during progression - any idea whats wrong?

    My guess is when you talk to it the image is changing the sprites direction to one that doesn't have a graphic attached. Try enabling the Direction Fix checkbox in the lower left corner.
  5. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! You say you aren't new to RPG Maker, which versions have you used? As for finishing a project, I recommend starting with a small project and work your way into a larger project. Seeing something you finished is a great morale boost and the experience is always nice. =) I...
  6. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! RPG Maker is still quite relevant, actually. Like @Jay mentioned MV is both different and similar at the same time, so it will probably seem very similar to rm2k. That's actually one of the nicest things about RM programs, no matter which one you used, you'll be able to...
  7. Akod

    What's Up Rm Makers?

    Welcome to the forum! You came to the right place for MV material, our resource database is fairly large and growing by the day, so I recommend you check it out. =) If you can't find what you're looking for I suggest making a request over in our resource request section, we have people who can...
  8. Akod

    Stand For Something ~ MinisterJay

    While you were offline a member started harassing a fellow mod and this mod reacted by publicly arguing back with the member (not saying one of our mods would do this, maybe this one was hired after you). At this point you get on, things are getting out of hand rather quickly and you are the...
  9. Akod

    hi everyone

    Welcome to the forum! If it's RPGs and fun you're looking for, this is the place to be. This is definitely one of the most fun and friendly forums I've been a part of, and these two above me are two great examples of why that's true. If you have any questions, whether they're about MV or the...
  10. Akod

    Greetings community ....

    Welcome to the forum! If you're looking for an artist skilled in MV graphics, you've come to the right place. Like @Jay said, we have a nice selection of graphics hosted on the site and it's growing larger each day. If you're looking for someone to join your team, I would recommend making a...
  11. Akod


    Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you joined us. There's no need to apologize for your English, it's quite easy to understand. I've met native English speakers that spoke worse English than you. =) It's great that you're making a game for your daughter, I'm sure she'll love it when it's...
  12. Akod

    A wild campaign thread appeared! (Jackus)

    Yep, that works just fine. I was just curious to see if you would ask another mod/admin to handle it due to personal involvement in the member's issue or if you would still attempt to resolve it yourself. =)
  13. Akod

    A wild campaign thread appeared! (Jackus)

    Not a bad answer. I'd say you handled it pretty well, can't please everyone. Now, if you were in the same scenario, but this time it happened to be your game someone found offensive and they were requesting you to take it down, how would your actions differ?
  14. Akod

    Salt, Bandannas and Muscles! Iron Croc's Campaign

    A member sends you a PM stating that another member had taken one of his/her resources and posted it here, claiming it was their own, but can provide no credible evidence proving this to be true, yet when you contact the member who posted the material they claim this to be false, but can also...
  15. Akod

    A wild campaign thread appeared! (Jackus)

    Here's something that happened to me back when I was staff on I'd like to see how you handle it. A member contacts you stating there is a game hosted on the site that contains something s/he finds to be offensive. What is offending him/her is not violating any rules and the game thread...
  16. Akod

    Someone's in a happy mood. Glad to hear it! It's still about 10pm where I am, but I hope to get...

    Someone's in a happy mood. Glad to hear it! It's still about 10pm where I am, but I hope to get up as happy as you in the morning. =)
  17. Akod

    EvilChibi's rooooodest Campaign

    If two members were having an argument and one of them was someone you really disliked and have had previous arguments with yourself, would it affect your opinion on the matter at hand at all?
  18. Akod

    Composer - Just Doing the Intro Thing

    Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear you decided to join us. I have heard a bit of your music and I have to tell you it's great. You're very talented! I'll definitely be checking more of your music. I hope to see you around!
  19. Akod

    Looking For a JavaScripter

    Welcome to the forum! Glad you decided to join us. If you're looking to hire someone to write some plugins for your game, I would suggest making a thread over in the classifieds section of the forum, or, alternatively, you can request them one at a time over in the resource request section. I...
  20. Akod

    Item behaviour help

    Glad I could help. =) If you would be so kind as to mark my response as best answer so if someone else was looking on how to do this it would be clear that there is a solution in this thread I would be most appreciative.