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  1. TheGoof

    I've made a few plugins.

    Only one i'm really using is the shutdown, and that's good. MV needs more plugins that fill the voids left behind by the "geniuses" at Spike Chunksoft...
  2. TheGoof

    Fellow non-scripters, tell me why...

    I'm trying, but for me RGSS3 was easier to wrap my brain around... There are just.. some things it does not seem like you can do in MV JS that i could do in RGSS3. Like Z layering, telling one thing to sit over another. I can't even figure out how to tell the damn battle status window box to...
  3. TheGoof

    My big issues with MV

    That's okay, the software seems incomplete. You can't use negative blending with anything that's tiling!! Tiling.. like.. repeating. So a fog script it won't work. And if you look under picture, there is no way to use negative blending there either! And there is no Z! So you can't use Z to tell...
  4. TheGoof

    Javascript 201

    Well, i DID read this. And about to read more. It's only called Javascript for marketing reasons, otherwise it may as well be called LiveScript.... as it has nothing to do with Java, it just has a similar name. Shame they can't change the name now...
  5. TheGoof

    Javascript 201

    It would have to wait until after the 8th... that's when my data resets... i'm stuck on satellite for internet.. and it's rather limited... and my monthly 10 gigs a month is almost out, if it's not already. I keep hoping and praying that Verizon steps up and brings fiber to where i live... i...
  6. TheGoof

    Javascript 201

    It's not mine, but it's one of those few times i was able to fallow something and get it. I gotta find more JS lessons on youtube... I just wish i could find some SPECIFIC to RMMV.
  7. TheGoof

    Javascript 201

    Yeah but what i meant is.. I mentioned youtube cause i can fallow a video more easily. I fallowed this one rather easily and found it funny at the same time.
  8. TheGoof

    Javascript 201

    It's not code... it's edits to what is there. Which worked fine in Ace... but not in MV. I guess i need to find videos on youtube... i don't learn very well by reading. I learn better by .. i guess being taught like having someone talking and making examples as they talk... basically a class 1...
  9. TheGoof

    Javascript 201

    I honestly so far hate JS more than Ruby, Ruby felt like a cake walk compared to this mess. I thought it would be better, but i'm so damn lost with it. Everything i try does not work, it returns errors every effing time... No matter what i try... Ruby made sense to me, things i tried worked. JS...
  10. TheGoof

    Love it

    I can agree with that as well... ~_~
  11. TheGoof

    My big issues with MV

    For me personally, my issue is not so much the software as it is the pain in the ass scripting they went with, i find javascript far more confusing that RGSS3. I had an easier time wrapping my brain around RGSS3. Also the lack of plugins that SHOULD be there but are not are a BIG pain in the...
  12. TheGoof

    Love it

    First off.. the bugs have been ironed out last i checked. Second, you don't have to IMPORT anything, you go up to the top and click Game and then click Open Folder. From there you copy and past what you need to be in your game. That's the new method for importing things. Only thing i can agree...
  13. TheGoof

    List of MV Disappointments

    Ummmm.. come again? You realize i want to replace the square box that stretches out with a simple graphic, right? Ugh.. wrong thread and or section for this stuff anyhow... Look, all i know is that Ace has a few scripts.. one most notable one is from Victor Saint called Arrow Cursor, and you can...
  14. TheGoof

    List of MV Disappointments

    Mind showing me where? And i DON'T mean mouse pointer!! I mean like a hand pointing to the right like final fantasy. Or a small diamond where if you press left right up down what ever it moves around pointing at words. I don't mean mouse related. No, i mean like this. Or like in this mockup...
  15. TheGoof

    The goof's livestreaming update thread.

    I'm as active as i can be. Sadly i'm stuck on satellite net. And midnight to 5 AM is my "free zone" so it's the only times i can do live-streams sadly. I'm livestreaming nao!! Woot!
  16. TheGoof

    The goof's livestreaming update thread.

    Not until midnight central time sadly. If you want a link to my youtube channel, i can give that. But it's only a little after 9 PM for me, and i don't normally start livestreaming until midnight to 1 AM.
  17. TheGoof

    The goof's livestreaming update thread.

    Very welcome! ^_^ I plan to do it again eventually! Hey everyone, gonna livestream again tonight! I'm rested and ready for action!
  18. TheGoof

    List of MV Disappointments

    I'm rather disappointed as well. Buggy. Some things were changed that did not need changed. The way plugin's are implemented is a pain, and there is a lot of room for human error. One recent thing that bugs the hell out of me is how window frames work, rather than repeating upper and lower and...
  19. TheGoof

    Better Grass

    One is less detailed and more... dull. The other looks brighter and more detailed.
  20. TheGoof

    Better Grass

    Not bad, but i bet you i can make them less squared and more rounded and organic.