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  1. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    I'm honestly not to adept with the variables yet xD Might neewd you to explain how the varible would need to be set up and possible how it would interact with the event for the desired outcome? I', deff willing to learn and give it a try!
  2. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    @Akod Actually I have, and still have the same issue :/ Unless I just did it wrong, which is totally a possibility.
  3. TruRevolution

    This battle event is getting annoying...

    This battle event is getting annoying...
  4. TruRevolution

    Introductions I Guess

    I"m working on my first RPG as well xD Best of luck to us both!
  5. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    lol its ok I can understand.... I dont even understand me half the time... lemme try this.. The battle is with 2 boss monsters. The battle is evented so that when either of the bosses is defeated, the remaining boss executes a skill that takes out little girlfriend, and he is like "omg no...
  6. TruRevolution

    Forum Gamenight!

    when is this going down? I could use a break from things
  7. TruRevolution

    Back at it again... nothing but trouble to come...

    Back at it again... nothing but trouble to come...
  8. TruRevolution

    I'm thinking of adding a trap/clue system

    That sounds pretty fun! I think it would make for a very unique gameplay. Allow the player to have more control over a situation based off of what the concluded from your clues and suddenly gameplay doesn't seem so straight foreward
  9. TruRevolution

    Battle Event Issue - Please help!

    Ok, so I'm working on the next chapter of my project, and the battle at the end of the demo I released where when one of the bosses is killed then it forces the attack on Meilia ect. well.. now that I'm using a new plug in for the battle system (shown in SS) when the one boss is defeated, the...
  10. TruRevolution

    Eternal Nights Teaser SS

    Been working on some new maps for the next chapter of my project, and wanted to showcase a lil teaser for everyone! Hope ya like it!
  11. TruRevolution

    Yes.... Yes it is lol Just working on my game now that I've got all my chores done and my car...

    Yes.... Yes it is lol Just working on my game now that I've got all my chores done and my car tended too Having a trouble spot with an idea of mine
  12. TruRevolution


    So I'm working with the Yanfly plugin's right now. More specifically the skill purchasing and job points. My question, to anyone that knows anything about these plugin's, is there a way to set it to where I can have characters purchase different armors, such as having to purchase heavy armor...
  13. TruRevolution

    Three days off, paid holiday? I yes... I just YES!

    Three days off, paid holiday? I yes... I just YES!
  14. TruRevolution

    help please!

    just so you know that worked perfectly! I had to play around with it a bit to get it to work with 4 different event boxes but know it's perfect, thanks again @MinisterJay
  15. TruRevolution

    help please!

    can you explain that differently??? lol I'm being dumb [edit] actually.... you gave me a great idea
  16. TruRevolution

    help please!

    So check it out.... I'm curious as to how I can keep events resetting locations when leaving and reentering an area? IE: you flip a switch an object moves... you do this with an Set movement Route or Set Event Location command, but how can I keep those locations saved when leaving and...
  17. TruRevolution

    Eternal Nights (Demo)

    @SkywardRiver Thanks for taking the time to play them demo, you made some really good points! I honestly forgot all about those guards after I made them xD The Meilia being in the party issue has also been fixed as well as some of the tileset issues for the next release. I'll also have to...
  18. TruRevolution

    Eternal Nights (Demo)

    Yes, please tell me what ya think Cunechan! Look forward to your review
  19. TruRevolution


    awesome bro! You'vc just saved me from a 2.5 hours upload to dropbox next time!