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  1. raymi100

    Completed Element Popup Plugin

    Oh, thanks! :) I was pretty desperate for this one, haha.
  2. raymi100

    Rules Suggestions

    Yep! That's perfect :D
  3. raymi100

    Rules Suggestions

    The issue with that is that in the rules it states you can't double post for any reason other than updating your thread. I think that's fair in some cases, but in other cases it's not.
  4. raymi100

    Rules Suggestions

    I really think double posting should be allowed in more than just updating your post - I think you should be allowed to bump your topic after at least 2-3 days so your topic doesn't just get ignored forever.
  5. raymi100

    I do, and believe me, that's what I'm hoping for XD

    I do, and believe me, that's what I'm hoping for XD
  6. raymi100

    I have to go back to school tomorrow. I cry D:

    I have to go back to school tomorrow. I cry D:
  7. raymi100

    I figured it out, guys ^.^

    I figured it out, guys ^.^
  8. raymi100

    Ask Raymi Anything :3

    Yes, actually! Pokemon mostly, but also games like Final Fantasy and Legend of Zelda have inspired me a lot as well. :) Uh, the projects I'm working on don't exactly have a story yet XD I'm not too great at writing, so I'm choosing to focus on the battle system and maps before I get to the...
  9. raymi100

    Ask Raymi Anything :3

    Hmmm...all of the above! I have a lot of fun making games and I certainly hope to release one someday :3 But all the stuff I've learned is a great thing as well~
  10. raymi100

    Ask Raymi Anything :3

    Light Ball! I would never evolve my precious Pikachu ;~;
  11. raymi100

    Raymi's Bedroom Tileset Edits

    Thanks! I'm glad you do c:
  12. raymi100

    Sparkling Usernames

    I like it, but I wish we could have sparkling usernames as well XD
  13. raymi100

    Raymi's Bedroom Tileset Edits

    raymi100 updated Raymi's Bedroom Tileset Edits with a new update entry: More tiles added, plus couch and bed recolors added Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. raymi100

    RPG Maker Raymi's Bedroom Tileset Edits - More tiles added, plus couch and bed recolors added

    I added more tiles to the bedroom tileset, and I also made a few couch and bed recolors :) The recolors aren't the best, but I hope they'll suffice to your needs~
  15. raymi100

    @[443:@Micro] I'll see about that~ :) Thanks for the suggestion!

    @[443:@Micro] I'll see about that~ :) Thanks for the suggestion!
  16. raymi100

    I want an animated sideview enemies plugin but none of them seem to work when I put them in my...

    I want an animated sideview enemies plugin but none of them seem to work when I put them in my game and follow all the instructions >.>
  17. raymi100

    Alrighty! Thanks @[62:@Amysaurus] :)

    Alrighty! Thanks @[62:@Amysaurus] :)
  18. raymi100

    It's a plugin request I made a few days ago...

    It's a plugin request I made a few days ago.
  19. raymi100

    Darn, so I'm not allowed to bump a post that no one's replied to yet?

    Darn, so I'm not allowed to bump a post that no one's replied to yet?
  20. raymi100

    How many days do I have to wait before I bump/double post in a topic?

    How many days do I have to wait before I bump/double post in a topic?