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Search results

  1. Mr. Trivel


    Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource: Crafting - Allows to craft items. Read more about this resource...
  2. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Crafting 1.0

    Author: Mr. Trivel Name: Crafting Created: 2016-03-27 Version: 1.0 What does it do? Allows players to craft items. Video: How to use? First, you'll need 2 new files in data folder: Recipes.json Disciplines.json Recipes file will hold all recipe data and Disciplines file will hold data about...
  3. Mr. Trivel Crafting plugin incoming? Crafting plugin incoming. Crafting plugin incoming? Crafting plugin incoming.
  4. Mr. Trivel

    [Free] Micro's Banner Stand

    Heyo, let's request something then. How about a better replacement for current banner I'm using? Size: 200x45 Color Theme: Black & Blue Text: Mr. Trivel's Plugins Characters: None. Extra (If possible): A 45x45 box -- matching with banner -- without any text on it to place Twitter/YouTube logos...
  5. Mr. Trivel

    Posting Contest!

    Username: @Mr. Trivel Current Post Count: 127 Form of Payment: PayPal
  6. Mr. Trivel

    Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges

    Mr. Trivel updated Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges with a new update entry: v1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges - v1.1

    - Crash Fix - Added parameters to disable multicolor bars.
  8. Mr. Trivel

    TP reduction state/skill , how?

    Would something like this not work?
  9. Mr. Trivel

    Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges

    @MinisterJay, Of course, since plugin does not change when or where TP bars are displayed. All it does is change how bars are displayed.
  10. Mr. Trivel

    TP reduction state/skill , how?

    @Myzt, For skill you can just use a damage formula. E.g.: a.gainTp(-100); 100 + a.mat * 2 - b.mdf * 2
  11. Mr. Trivel

    Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges

    @MinistrJay, Not sure what you mean by that. Since this plugin only does purely graphical changes, it does not affect when or where TP bars appear.
  12. Mr. Trivel

    Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges

    Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource: Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges - Increases colors used for HP MP TP gauge. Read more about this resource...
  13. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges 1.2

    Author: Mr. Trivel Name: Multicolor HP MP TP Gauges Created: 2016-03-23 Version: 1.2 What does it do? Increases colors used for HP MP TP gauge. Gif: How to use? Set up plugin parameters and done. Plugin: How to download the Plugin: Click the link above, there will be a button named Raw...
  14. Mr. Trivel

    Gain Stats on Level Up

    Mr. Trivel updated Gain Stats on Level Up with a new update entry: Crash fix. Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker Gain Stats on Level Up - Crash fix.

    Version 1.1 - Fixed crash with some multi-line stat evaluations.
  16. Mr. Trivel

    HP MP TP Colors & Names

    Mr. Trivel submitted a new resource: HP MP TP Colors & Names - Changes colors and names of HP, MP and TP. Purely graphical. Read more about this resource...
  17. Mr. Trivel

    RPG Maker HP MP TP Colors & Names 1.1

    Author: Mr. Trivel Name: HP MP TP Colors & Names Created: 2016-03-20 Version: 1.1 What does it do? Changes colors and names of HP, MP and TP. Purely graphical. Screenshot: How to use? To set colors for actors/classes, use the following tags in the note fields: (Color is in HEX) (If Class and...