Indie Dev

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Search results

  1. MinisterJay

    Thanks to all who report SPAM , other unauthorized content, and other rule breakings. :)

    Thanks to all who report SPAM , other unauthorized content, and other rule breakings. :)
  2. MinisterJay

    Small Wisps 3 Pack

    MinisterJay submitted a new resource: Small Wisps 3 Pack - 32 X 32 Wisp Battlers Read more about this resource...
  3. MinisterJay

    RPG Maker Small Wisps 3 Pack 2017-04-21

    Here are three small wisps battlers. The typical SV_Actor is 64 X 64. These battlers are a little smaller than 32 X 32, less than half the SV_Actors. Here are three demos of the battlers. Those in the download link are zipped within a folder, and do not have the word demo on them. Simply...
  4. MinisterJay

    Drawing your Characters FaceSets

    Approximately how much per face?
  5. MinisterJay

    SPAM Reported

    I would like to thank all of our members that have been reporting the various forms of SPAM. This greatly assists the moderation team, and also make the viewing experience much better to our members. Thanks again. MinisterJay
  6. MinisterJay

    Need help with the position of skill animations

    Moving discussion to MV Support, where it can receive the attention it needs.
  7. MinisterJay

    How to REMOVE the Shadows from SV_Actors in Battle Mode

    Did you try closing the current project and then re-opening it, after modifying the shadows?
  8. MinisterJay

    Do not let your circumstances take your focus off of your goals and dreams. :)

    Do not let your circumstances take your focus off of your goals and dreams. :)
  9. MinisterJay

    Multiple Games on Single Deployment

    What are the different ways to have multiple games be deployed all together? I know that if I were make a whole bunch of new variables and new events it could be done....taking a long time.
  10. MinisterJay

    :) I see you.

    :) I see you.
  11. MinisterJay

    Working on a different kind of battle system...Having fun with developing the prototype.

    Working on a different kind of battle system...Having fun with developing the prototype.
  12. MinisterJay

    Having fun making a lot of wisps. I need over 100 of them. :)

    Having fun making a lot of wisps. I need over 100 of them. :)
  13. MinisterJay

    I need some help with a MV project

    These template guidelines may help attract people to your project recruitment. GUIDELINES
  14. MinisterJay

    Next time it may be more appropriate to PM the question directly, instead of public profile post. :)

    Next time it may be more appropriate to PM the question directly, instead of public profile post. :)
  15. MinisterJay

    A new challenger has appeared!

    Congrats @Lore . Welcome to the moderation tea. :)
  16. MinisterJay

    Steam Greenlight shutting down

    There are different ways to obtain the fees, if a dev is financially strapped. If there is a large fan base, crowdfunding could be a viable option. Money can be saved, from a part-time or full-time job, on the side, until the fee is met. There are even non-Steam options available to sell...
  17. MinisterJay

    Special SV Battle System Request

    I have seen this style in a game that I am playing, and was curious if this plugin is public. The player selects an image for the battle request: guard, attack, etc. There is a sword icon to attack, a shield icon to guard, and special icons of actions determined by class. Each sv actor does...
  18. MinisterJay

    My neck surgery was cancelled. The waiting game begins again.

    My neck surgery was cancelled. The waiting game begins again.
  19. MinisterJay

    Steam Greenlight shutting down

    I just want a refund for my Greenlight fee, if it is no longer good.
  20. MinisterJay

    This coming Monday, I will download the latest update of Killer Gin.

    This coming Monday, I will download the latest update of Killer Gin.