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  1. A13XIS

    Well my life is perfect. *cough* But seriously, there are no highs without lows.

    Well my life is perfect. *cough* But seriously, there are no highs without lows.
  2. A13XIS

    Kind of disappointed, that NOBODY answered my Form linked in the "how to Pokèclone?" thread...

    Kind of disappointed, that NOBODY answered my Form linked in the "how to Pokèclone?" thread... But hey, nobody likes surveys, am I right?
  3. A13XIS

    How to a make a Poke-style game?

    Well Hi again (cat) I'm working on a Pokemon-style game (In a team of course). It's not really a Pokemon clone since we try to mix in a lot of new stuff, but we started by implementing a similar core game play. Still, there are some things we're not sure about. If you can, please answer us a...
  4. A13XIS

    Contests, Contests, Contests

    DireDime's Idea isn't that bad actually. A similar approach I found was called "house of memories". (roughly translated from german) Originally, every participant gets some Keywords and has to use these to make something short. A playable cutscene ,a minigame if you have some non RPG code you...
  5. A13XIS

    Welcome and Stuff... There are enough tutorials in the web, but if you need some more personal...

    Welcome and Stuff... There are enough tutorials in the web, but if you need some more personal help, you can always ask me.
  6. A13XIS

    Wow. That's... something. Too random to say anything else, sorry :)

    Wow. That's... something. Too random to say anything else, sorry :)
  7. A13XIS

    What Is The One Area of the Development Process You Find the Hardest?

    Yeah. Finding/Making resources are a pain in the arse. Music shouldn't be a problem, since I composing myself, but it takes so long to find the right inspiration, it's better to find someone else who works more professional. But the most difficult part of the "real" development is to balance...
  8. A13XIS

    Yay, I passed all my exams! Unfortunately the next semester started yesterday.

    Yay, I passed all my exams! Unfortunately the next semester started yesterday.
  9. A13XIS

    Share Your Desktop !

    @Amysaurus You put all the exiting things in the "other stuff" folder, didn't you. Nope. Conspiracy theories aren't exiting
  10. A13XIS

    Windowjumper - Problem 2

    Okay. Now I really have a problem. The command to open my selection menu works, i.e. it shows the window. But the actor commands (the window on the right) is still active, so if I press enter, it executes the command from the old window. "hide()" doesn't help, the actor commands are still...
  11. A13XIS

    [answered] Jump between windows

    Hi there. :) I'm trying to create a Battle Actor Selection. The Battle system has a maximum of 3 slots which have different side effects, so I need one ("Command")window to select the slot and a second one to select a character. Now this "window jumping" does occur in the standart BS as well...
  12. A13XIS

    Hello World

    Don't know if it's okay to turn an introduction thread in to a Q&A, but it's public, so I don't mind. Everybody who does just as much as he/she has to, is efficient (hella) I can code with Java, PHP, JS and HTML plus some of their frameworks and I love all of them so... EVERYTHING My parents...
  13. A13XIS

    'Cause that's not true. At least not on the forum. Example? Today at 3 PM (your timezone).

    'Cause that's not true. At least not on the forum. Example? Today at 3 PM (your timezone).
  14. A13XIS


  15. A13XIS

    What is Considered SPAM?

    @Mysiath Hey, the guy with the spank canon! Google translator's english would be much worse than anybody's who signed up on an english forum. But I get your Idea
  16. A13XIS

    What is Considered SPAM?

    Yupp. There is no "no bumping" rule, but bumping is a form of spam, too, if it's done too frequently (aka double posts, tripple posts and so on). I think this is only to prevent people from bumping indirectly. I agree, but why should someone write a post twice, if everybody would understand the...
  17. A13XIS

    Hello World

    Well thank you. I think I'll discover the vastness of the code myself. But if I ran in a problem I know where to ask. You are welcome. I'm lazy too :D I like to call it "efficient", though. Aw. Well you seem like a very nice young... person, too! I don't think I can actually "show" anything...
  18. A13XIS

    What is Considered SPAM?

    Oh that's easy. 1 and 2 are popular rules in forums to prevent that threads are pushed up to the top of the site, if there's no new information and 3 is important to include everybody on the forums. Though I think that if there's enough people speaking a certain language (like german on this...
  19. A13XIS

    Hello World

    Thanks for the warm welcome everybody! Well, thank you. Just wait until I figured out how to make seemless tracks (glad)
  20. A13XIS

    New here but not to rpg maker

    Oh hi. Belcome Wack to the RPG Making.