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  1. ragneBro


    Hello Amysaurus! Looking forward to see dinosaurs in a rpg-maker game! ;p
  2. ragneBro


    Hello Orange Ball! Looking forward to see your work. ^__^
  3. ragneBro

    I'm on the bandwagon, folks!

    Welcome to you too! ^^ Looking forward to play your next masterpiece.
  4. ragneBro

    Hello Everyone

    Hello there! Looking forward to see your work! ^^
  5. ragneBro

    Hello everyone!

    Hello! Looking forward to see your work. Maybe you can pick where you left off? ^^
  6. ragneBro

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    Really like the feeling in this map. think the colors work well together! ^^
  7. ragneBro

    Screenshot Thread: Ready and Deady!

    I really like your art style! Always fun to see people do their own art. ^^
  8. ragneBro

    Guten Tag, everyone! ^_^

    Welcome! Looking forward to listen to some of your work. ^^
  9. ragneBro

    A new member has join your party

    Welcome! Looking forward to see your work! ^__^
  10. ragneBro

    What's up.

    First of all, welcome! ^^ I couldn't agree more! Looking forward to see your work.
  11. ragneBro

    Hello Everybody, vanburman here.

    I agree! And I thinking of doing it in Swedish, so not really a competitor after all. ;p
  12. ragneBro

    Hello Everybody, vanburman here.

    Hello! I saw some of your tutorials on youtube back in the days. Now I'm thinking of becoming a "competitor" regarding youtube tutorials. ^^
  13. ragneBro

    Hello fellow rpg makers!

    Thanks! I wish you the same! ^^
  14. ragneBro

    In the mood for some game making!

    In the mood for some game making!
  15. ragneBro

    Hello everyone!

    Hi! If you have any questions about the software, don't hesitate to ask. ^__^
  16. ragneBro

    Hello fellow rpg makers!

    Hi everyone! Looking forward to share experiences with you all. Perhaps some of us will work together on a game project some day. ^___^ ragneBro
  17. ragneBro

    Mapping Tips & Tricks

    Another Tip: Try to make your maps feel alive. Add som NPCs walking, or doing stuff. Not stand still all the time. When you making a forrest map add som animals, or birds flying across the map. It's the small details that makes your game stand out.
  18. ragneBro

    How to learn JavaScript for RPG Maker MV

    I love the simplicity of "Code Combat"();