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Search results

  1. Clownia

    Webspace recommendations for test deploys?

    Ah, interesting. I guess I wouldn't want to use my own pc as a server, but git might be an option, yes. Thank you :)
  2. Clownia

    About the build size and ways to optimize it

    Thank you for your evaluation (kinda). :) I guess I have to go with the bigger size after I fell in love with that parallax mapping option. *cough*
  3. Clownia

    Hello ^^

    Welcome NTMonday, I guess I'm a similar situation like you (only without the time for testing :D). I'd recommend to work through the interactive in-editor tutorial first, it helps very much to get to know rpg maker mv for the basic things you need to know. That's what I did, although I usually...
  4. Clownia

    Completed Looking for organic cave tiles (+ environments)

    Nice, all of these! Exactly what I was looking for, thank you. :)
  5. Clownia

    Multiple Message Windows port for MV

    I hope it is ok to answer such an old topic ... but I'd really love such a feature and hope someone can port or remake it. I've found other "text popup" plugins (like the one from galv), but have the problem that they block player movement - which they shouldn't. And don't seem as customizable...
  6. Clownia

    Flip battler positions / mirror battlers in sideview combat

    Is there an "easy" and reliable way to flip the battlers in sideview combat? I mean so that the characters come from the left and look to the right, the monsters/opponents come from the right and look to the left? The standard "reading direction" absolutely irritates me - so much that I'm...
  7. Clownia

    Combining Altimit Pixel Movement with Region Events/Collisions?

    I'm currently playing around with parallax mapping for the background (instead of tiles), pixel based movement and region events/region collisions by Yanfly. For pixel based movement the Altimit plugin seemed to be the "best" for now. But it doesn't seem to work with regions instead of "not...
  8. Clownia

    Skill Learning System with Stat Requirements

    I'm not into javascript and not enough into rpmmv to know if this is possible, but you could try using operators like && (if both conditions are required), or || (if one of them has to be true). Like <Learn Require Eval> if (this._actor.atk ≥ 50 && user.isLearnedSkill(ID#)) </Learn Require...
  9. Clownia

    Webspace recommendations for test deploys?

    I know, but I always thought of it as a publishing platform for finished or at least "public in progress games". Is there a way to have restricted access, like the unfinished game not being listed in the search? Don't know, I'd just have a bad feeling somehow if I play around with...
  10. Clownia


  11. Clownia

    Question about the activity of this community

    May sound strange - but since I'm really new to rpmmv, I'm wondering how active this community is. How do you see it? I've been active for years in other communities (about art or other), and many of them died a slow death because of members leaving (heading for facebook or whatevever "social"...
  12. Clownia

    Webspace recommendations for test deploys?

    I'm not sure if this is the the right category for this question ... When I'm developing games, I like to upload them somewhere so I can give the link to friends or share it in a community to discuss it/for feedback. Can you recommend free webspace for this? It seems to me like the test builds...
  13. Clownia

    About the build size and ways to optimize it

    I created a small test project with two maps, three characters (two human, one cat), three music titles, no battles ... now the web build had about 50mb and a MacOSX build had about 500 mb (excluding assets I didn't need!). When I checked "don't include unused assets" my "fog" image for the fog...
  14. Clownia

    Following the in-editor tutorial of rpmmv :D

    Following the in-editor tutorial of rpmmv :D
  15. Clownia

    She Dreams Elsewhere - A surreal adventure JRPG

    I like the reduced color screens and the black & white character portraits. They look interesting and original and indeed don't scream "We were made with rpg maker". The whole setting is interesting and makes me curious. The sounds promise an immersive atmosphere. The only thing I don't like...
  16. Clownia

    Hi. Idiot Passing Through With A Game Concept

    And what were your problems with these external downloads? Didn't you find the download links there, or were the files just not available anymore?
  17. Clownia

    Question about broken/dead resources links

    While I was browsing the resources, I stumbled over many broken/dead links. It's a pity that these resources aren't available anymore. Is there any way to add a filter to sort & search functions which excludes resources which aren't available anymore? Or at least "only show local resources" (no...
  18. Clownia

    Art Program Question

    I also like to recommend Krita, but from my experience it likes to crash a bit too often. But you can still use for free on Windows 10, too - if you want to. It might be a good idea if you are already used to this tool anyway. You can download it for free via the link on
  19. Clownia

    Completed Looking for organic cave tiles (+ environments)

    I'm new to rpg maker (and not only new to mv). When playing around with the standard tiles which were already included, I instantly missed tiles for organic/more natural looking caves or environments in the MV editor. It seems to me like - maybe - the "Ancient Dungeons" pack for vx ace does...
  20. Clownia

    Trees Idea and Work

    Your assets are awesome. Are you working completely in 2d or with the help of 3d software like Sketchup or Blender for the basic building shapes? That tower looks fine to me, but have you thought about rotating the wood planks (floor) 90° ? (as opposed to the planks of the wooden doors) Might...