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  1. Phil

    Sunday! yay I am getting less busy!

    Sunday! yay I am getting less busy!
  2. Phil

    Good Luck on your project :)

    Good Luck on your project :)
  3. Phil

    Funky custom tile glitch

    :| a very simple problem indeed.
  4. Phil

    Happy Music

    Wow, pleasing to the ear. It sounds very comforting and nostalgie feels, different enough to not feel generic. 1 nitpick is that that it is annoying when the song is repeated.
  5. Phil

    Plugin Undertale Battle System

    Nice! very glad that you keep updating this plugin, because this one is a good one.
  6. Phil

    Zelda/Link sprites

    Good Luck :)
  7. Phil

    Zelda/Link sprites

    Yes as long as the transformation changed the value of the original source material enough to provoke a sense of different game, they can't sue you. however, some creators and company are strong enough to take you down, even if the reason is invalid.
  8. Phil

    Graphics Looking for constructive criticism

    Nice! Your parallaxing is very stylistic and neat! it is an improvement since you first started to map, you used the parallax to your advantage by bending the things that is impossible to bend in the mapping, definitely an improvement than the one you made before.
  9. Phil

    Zelda/Link sprites

    You have very interesting vision of your character's clothing :) and I agree that pixeling can be hard, however, as you progress, it really becomes easier, when I just started pixeling, I bought aseprite, and I don't know where to start, and starbirds tell me to just keep drawing, cyanide told...
  10. Phil

    (FCU) Flowers

    Akamizu updated (FCU) Flowers with a new update entry: Sunflower Added (CuneChan's Request) Read the rest of this update entry... Alright Updated.
  11. Phil

    (FCU) Flowers - Sunflower Added (CuneChan's Request)

    Here ya go :) I hope you like it Cunechan.
  12. Phil

    (FCU) Flowers

    Alright I will update that to this post, and thanks CuneChan
  13. Phil

    (FCU) Flowers

  14. Phil

    World Map Discussion

    I find games with detailed world-map interesting, and often appreciate them. you plan your world map, like planning on a real world map, why is something is placed there, why is something placed here? Skyrim nailed it on this aspect, they placed the cave, kingdoms and mountains in places that...
  15. Phil

    Zelda/Link sprites

    I am not a lawyer, but if you make a project out of other game's character, you might be facing copyright, Especially with Nintendo being very strict about their products. If you want to avoid getting copyrighted, your work must be a parody of the source material. Fortunately, if you made a...
  16. Phil

    Another New Member

    Hi, I hope you will enjoy your stay here!
  17. Phil

    (FCU) Flowers

    Akamizu submitted a new resource: (FCU) Flowers - 3 Simple Flowers in different occasion Read more about this resource...
  18. Phil

    (FCU) Flowers 2.0

    Very Simple Flowers I made for 10 minutes just to fill my time. I have been making other sets, but haven't post it, and not sure if I will. after I got my RMMV, I will start contributing to sock quest. No Commercial, No Credits Required For This Set. Just download and use! however, it would be...
  19. Phil

    Go For It

    Go For It
  20. Phil

    Aseprite - Pixel Art Tool

    I am using aseprite and it is very good.