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  1. Phil

    Me! I played it when I was young, I forgot the story, but I remember being stuck on a level :P

    Me! I played it when I was young, I forgot the story, but I remember being stuck on a level :P
  2. Phil

    Playful Music

    Akamizu submitted a new resource: Playful Music - Simple Playful BGM That loop nicely Read more about this resource...
  3. Phil

    Playful Music 2016-09-04

    Hi Guys Back With Another Music. This time it is a really, really simple Playful Music! Please Mind that I made this music while experimenting with different notes :) Terms: Free For Commercial & Commercial Use As Long as I am credited. Here is how it sounds like :) press Download For .OGG...
  4. Phil

    Custom Title Screen and menu

    Very Interesting, I see using parallax and events, interesting :p Thank you very much!
  5. Phil

    There is a lot of classical music that I never got to know the title, cry...

    There is a lot of classical music that I never got to know the title, cry...
  6. Phil

    Custom Title Screen and menu

    Thank You Very Much! I will make sure to watch all of them in the morning! Really, Really thanks so much!
  7. Phil

    Custom Title Screen and menu

    How are you doing everybody? Good? That's nice. I might be not the first one to ask, or the only one to have this question lingering on our head on Custom Title Screen and Menu In Stray cat crossing, you can see that the title screen is fully customized. As you can see the menu is on the...
  8. Phil

    Amy's Digital Art

    You have very cartoonish style.
  9. Phil

    Then cry in the corner, singing the song you never got to know.

    Then cry in the corner, singing the song you never got to know.
  10. Phil

    I found your enthusiasm and optimism inspiring :)

    I found your enthusiasm and optimism inspiring :)
  11. Phil

    :P never give up, never surrender. You smart, you loyal, you very smart, you genius, I...

    :P never give up, never surrender. You smart, you loyal, you very smart, you genius, I appreciate you. Another one, another one, another one.
  12. Phil

    Good Luck Sunpire :)

    Good Luck Sunpire :)
  13. Phil

    Have Fun!

    Have Fun!
  14. Phil

    Just a bit about myself.

    Hi I hope you will enjoy your stay! Good luck with learning, and if you have any problem, don't be shy to ask.
  15. Phil

    Music I want to collect your ideas

    A change of instruments, piano,flute,clarinet, violin,viola,etc. would be good, It is also good if it is a slower tempo music, just to let the music sip in softly.
  16. Phil

    Music I want to collect your ideas

    I like this one, I don't think anything should change
  17. Phil

    That is not a fact, that is a paradox Oh wait...

    That is not a fact, that is a paradox Oh wait...
  18. Phil

    Camstratia - 4% complete

    Ooooooooh Fancy! I can see a great 1% is added here, even though the development is baby steps, it is going into the right direction.
  19. Phil

    Time Engine

    That is awesome, I am most excited for the day and night cycle, it is doable with events, but if it's already a plugin, it will be a time saver.
  20. Phil

    I think it will loop automatically if it's OGG File. M4a on the other side, have some problem.

    I think it will loop automatically if it's OGG File. M4a on the other side, have some problem.