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Search results

  1. Starbird

    Christmas Sale package up at last, best deal ever tbh. Everything remastered, brand new sets...

    Christmas Sale package up at last, best deal ever tbh. Everything remastered, brand new sets, and it's all packed up for you for only $10 !!
  2. Starbird

    Starbird Premium Tileset Collection

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Christmas Sale! Best Select Starbird Tilesets: $10 - Remastered and New Tilesets, select sets Read more about this resource...
  3. Starbird

    RPG Maker Starbird Premium Tileset Collection 6.1

    STARBIRD PREMIUM COLLECTION last update December 6, 2018: added 7 tilesets BUNDLE PRICE: $99 IMPORTANT CONTACT INFO: You can quickly reach Emily of Starbird Resources by sending an email to I will respond ASAP and am happy to help with any questions (heart) Now...
  4. Starbird

    Starbird - Dungeon & Treasure [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  5. Starbird

    Commonly Accepted Plugin "Stacks"?

    This is an interesting thread imo. Derjyn makes an excellent call for an effort at coordination and documentation in this area. Also, at the simplest level, a list of the most active/responsive plugin developers would be useful to hundreds of people on this forum. And now I'm just rubbing the...
  6. Starbird

    is there a twitter list anywhere on this site? i'd be eager to go follow site members who signed up

    is there a twitter list anywhere on this site? i'd be eager to go follow site members who signed up
  7. Starbird

    Starbird - Steampunk Airship Tilesets

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Starbird - Steampunk Airship Tilesets - steampunk airships and airplanes Read more about this resource...
  8. Starbird

    RPG Maker Starbird - Steampunk Airship Tilesets 2017-11-28

    STEAMPUNK AIRSHIPS AND AIRPLANES These tilesets includes a variety of steampunk-themed vehicles for air travel. They are formatted for immediate use in the RMMV editor without need to do any parallax mapping. TERMS OF USE: ● With purchase, you may use these tilesets in any project...
  9. Starbird

    Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tilesets

    Haha thanks! I wasn't sure it went with the theme of the tileset but i thought it was kinda funny and felt that i had to keep it in there : )
  10. Starbird

    Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tilesets

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tileset - Coffee House, Cafe, Coffee Shop, Interior Tileset in RTP style Read more about this resource...
  11. Starbird

    RPG Maker Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tilesets 2017-11-28

    COFFEE HOUSE This tileset is ideal for a coffee house / coffee shop interior. These two sheets of tiles include lots of eclectic coffee house style decor. TERMS OF USE: ● With purchase, you may use these tilesets in any project, commercial or non-commercial, provided that Starbird Resources...
  12. Starbird

    Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tileset [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  13. Starbird

    will finally get the airship tilesets up tomorrow. also trying to create free pack versions of...

    will finally get the airship tilesets up tomorrow. also trying to create free pack versions of paid tilesets. and a Christmas sale package
  14. Starbird

    You found out your Paid Artist is plagiarizing something?

    The Mona Lisa is in the public domain, so you can do whatever you want with it, although i doubt the Louvre would let you trace it :) You can do anything you want with art released into the public domain. Then there are various creative commons licenses with varying restrictions. In this case...
  15. Starbird

    Retro Tactical Battlers and BattleBacks

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Retro Tactical Battlers and BattleBacks - Retro style tactical battlers and new battle backs Read more about this resource...
  16. Starbird

    RPG Maker Retro Tactical Battlers and BattleBacks 2017-11-25

    RETRO TACTICAL BATTLER PACK WITH 100+ BATTLEBACKS This resource package offers a different battler style than the RTP JRPG style. See below for an example of a battle scene made with this package. Most battlers come in the following 4 forms: This will allow you to make battler groups...
  17. Starbird

    Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tileset [Deleted]

    i'm unable to reproduce the issue. i've gone through the entire set up and everything looks the way it should. could be some quirk on the back end of the forum causing this problem for you. PM me your email address and i'll get this set over to you ASAP :)
  18. Starbird

    Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tileset [Deleted]

    Hi Spybreak, let me check and I'll get back to you. On my end, it doesn't show any purchase from you.
  19. Starbird

    Starbird - Coffee House Interior Tileset [Deleted]

    Starbird submitted a new resource: Starbird - Coffee House Tileset - Coffee House, Coffee Shop, Interior Tileset Read more about this resource...
  20. Starbird

    i didn't forget about this... just finished up a new tileset so now i'll have a chance to work...

    i didn't forget about this... just finished up a new tileset so now i'll have a chance to work on your request