Indie Dev

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  1. DarcHiro

    So you is da preacha man for today?

    So you is da preacha man for today?
  2. DarcHiro

    The Never Ending Post Count

    32 The atomic number of germanium...
  3. DarcHiro

    I Bet You Didn't Know That My Favorite....

    I bet you didn't know that my favorite anime is Naruto.
  4. DarcHiro

    I bet you didn't know 1 thing about me

    I bet you didn't know I've had way more practice in music than in art... whether it be high school activities band, choir, and musical theatre... I also did choir in church and I was in a choir group outside of both of those.
  5. DarcHiro

    Hello! Trying to get into making Tilesets

    Welcome to the forums man, I'm sure that your graphics could be nice for a side-scrolling game! Keep up the work, as everyone has different ideas on what they want in their games.
  6. DarcHiro

    Vampire Castle Interior Tileset [Deleted]

    The tileset seems interesting, kinda makes me think of old Diablo style. But 2d if you get what I'm saying.
  7. DarcHiro

    Heyho :)

    Woo! I love seeing fellow designers joining the forum! I'd love to see some of your artwork sometime! Welcome to the Forums!
  8. DarcHiro

    The ice-cream takes the pain away. hwehehehe

    The ice-cream takes the pain away. hwehehehe
  9. DarcHiro

    Seeya. Wouldn't wanna be ya.

    I'll miss ya man, keep workin' on your game. I would love to see a finished project.
  10. DarcHiro

    Hello Makers!

    Welcome to the forums man! I hope we got what your looking for! Also, while I never played D&D I did play a game called WoD (World of Darkness) that involved dice, pen, and paper.
  11. DarcHiro

    Eww, satellite internet is evil.

    Eww, satellite internet is evil.
  12. DarcHiro


    Cool! You graduated from a film school! I can think of a few ways that'd be helpful.
  13. DarcHiro

    Bye! *waves*

    Bye Amy, thank you for the help on improving my art. You'll be missed.
  14. DarcHiro

    Congrats for becoming a moderator! Woot Woot!

    Congrats for becoming a moderator! Woot Woot!
  15. DarcHiro

    Sorry I was gone yesterday for awhile, my internet was shut off for the day.

    Sorry I was gone yesterday for awhile, my internet was shut off for the day.
  16. DarcHiro

    Ugh... I feel horrible, I has all the migraines today...

    Ugh... I feel horrible, I has all the migraines today...
  17. DarcHiro

    I'm good! I'm debating on either playing games or working on graphics... I also need to take...

    I'm good! I'm debating on either playing games or working on graphics... I also need to take some more time to work on my game.
  18. DarcHiro

    Thank you @[111:@Cunechan]!

    Thank you @[111:@Cunechan]!
  19. DarcHiro

    You win everything.

    You win everything.
  20. DarcHiro

    Thanks @[436:@Macro], I'm glad to be back

    Thanks @[436:@Macro], I'm glad to be back