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Search results

  1. MinisterJay

    Keeping Track of Credits?

    What I do is make sure that I have their names as part of the image/audio/plugin file name. Let's say I have a commissioned faceset down by Amysaurus. This is how I may save the file "GoblinsFaces_by_Amysaurus.png". By doing this it helps me have easier access to knowing all the different...
  2. MinisterJay

    Ready For A CONTEST?

    In my experience, it is better to be a participant and learn from the experience than to be an outside viewer. I have seen members with different skill levels win and place within our different contests.
  3. MinisterJay

    project help

    It is a little guideline to help everybody out. It is OK that you did not see it. It will also help possibly attract more people to assist you with your project. :)
  4. MinisterJay

    Let's HELP each other out. :)

    Let's HELP each other out. :)
  5. MinisterJay

    Ready For A CONTEST?

    I also thought of having a scavenger hunt, but that is for a future date...
  6. MinisterJay

    project help

    This guideline may assist you in making a project recruitment thread.
  7. MinisterJay

    Screenshot Critique

    Those are much better. Thanks.
  8. MinisterJay

    Screenshot Critique

    I agree with you about modifying the tents. Most other things have shadows, but the tents do not.
  9. MinisterJay

    Paid - Looking for a mapper to complete 1 map (ext and int)

    Is it RTP mapping or customized parallax mapping?
  10. MinisterJay

    Ready For A CONTEST?

    Xyphien's idea of a WIP contest may be perfect for you then.
  11. MinisterJay

    Ready For A CONTEST?

    Thanks for that question CeroZero. I am open to a variety of themes. I am also open to themes that we may not have thought of before. I would like to see four seasonal themes, as well as others. Possible themes include, but are not limited to: Super Retro, Puzzle-Based RPG, Fairy-Based...
  12. MinisterJay

    Ready For A CONTEST?

    It has been a while since we have had a contest. We are looking for your input. WHY? The answer to that is why make a contest that many may not be interested in. We will make badges for the next contest. If it is a game making contest, I was thinking of possibly having various "BEST...
  13. MinisterJay

    YES! I a now a half-centenarian.

    YES! I a now a half-centenarian.
  14. MinisterJay

    The Joys of Making Games

    I like making games that address different issues, but using games to address them. I have made games to support anti-bullying. I am currently working on one that subtly addresses racism. I have written many short stories and also have told many 'fairy' tales over the last four decades...
  15. MinisterJay

    Is this a good idea?

    This sounds like a good idea. Do you have a little more details?
  16. MinisterJay

    Five Goblin Faces/Busts Request

    Requesting a set of five goblin faces/busts. The Scholar: Elderly high goblin (tree-top goblin) that teaches all of the classes. Main Character: Only female in class. Young low goblin (marsh goblin) who aspires to help stop the slave trafficking of goblins. Racial trait: claws can secrete...
  17. MinisterJay

    Welcome to our latest Mod!

    Welcome to the team Amy. Well, with all those SPAM reports you gave us, you already were part of it... ;)
  18. MinisterJay

    Images Made With Character Generator

    Images made with the MV or other RPG Maker character generators are NOT considered as Image Resources. If it is made strictly with the original character generator assets, it is not considered an image resource, in this community. If the image displays a new generator part, and it is the new...
  19. MinisterJay

    Practice, practice, practice. :)

    Practice, practice, practice. :)
  20. MinisterJay

    What is Considered SPAM?

    I'll let this necropost slide. ;)