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  1. Juneberry


    Nice to meet you, Luk. I hope to hear some of your lovely tunes soon! What kind of program do you use to compose the music? I only know how to play some instruments- I don't know how to make music on the computer. Is it as complicated as reading sheet music? I find that impossible.
  2. Juneberry


    Hi there, @MadeBySaints! I can't help wondering what made you choose that name...And if it might help you when you make games for insight! A game about saints could be interesting. Or they'd be a good class...Hrm... You just got here and you're already giving me ideas! I'm so glad to meet you! :D
  3. Juneberry

    Hi everyone

    Hello Percival. It's alright that your English isn't the best- it's understandable, after all. It seems you've been playing with RPG-making for a long time, so it seems I might be learning from you in the near future! :D I'd love to play your farmville like game myself already. :P
  4. Juneberry

    Berry's Question Bushel

    1. I can't be sad about it since now I've been asked a question! Your question has nullified the answer! :O 2. I don't have any pets. I didn't kill any either though. I just don't have any...Because my apartment complex makes it ridiculously expensive to even think about it. *gets charged a fee...
  5. Juneberry

    Hey everyone!

    You seem like a friendly and trustworthy young man...I like you already. :D What made you interested in web design AND game design? You seem to have a broad range of interests. That's not bad though- it's good, in fact. I hope to learn more about them soon!
  6. Juneberry

    Hey everyone

    Hi there, fellow enthusiast @Sneakaboo! I really like your username. It's so cute! It makes me wanna snuggle you. I started with Ace as you did, but I've never been good with mapping, especially parallax. What got you into it? I'm curious. I'm also curious what makes you prefer side view...
  7. Juneberry

    Hi Everyone

    Hi Al, nice to meet you. It's nice to see you admit to being a big child (I am too, of course!). What kind of IT support do you do? I look forward to seeing you do your best, whether you have time or not. :D
  8. Juneberry

    Hello Everybody!

    Nice to meetcha, Zen! I rather like your name. You can definitely learn a lot here- and probably teach us a thing or two, too!
  9. Juneberry

    Just told my boyfriend about my internal competition with a friend on his forum that said friend...

    Just told my boyfriend about my internal competition with a friend on his forum that said friend probably doesn't know about. Wow I'm nuts.
  10. Juneberry

    Possible Bug in Alerts

    That's possible, since it happened a second time when you replied to me in comments on your status, @Cnal. (Does it do it to you now too?)
  11. Juneberry

    Possible Bug in Alerts

    I wouldn't know what it is, since it doesn't tell me? :D Editing in a spelling error I found on site: If you go to resources and then to images...Titles 2 is spelled Tiltes on accident. (Sorry, my inner editor doesn't like to shut up xD)
  12. Juneberry

    Possible Bug in Alerts

    I've been posting a lot of welcome messages and comments and such today...So I wasn't surprised to have lots of alerts at various points. However...One of the alerts says nothing. Is that a glitch? I'm confused.
  13. Juneberry

    What do you do at work? And if you have computer access...Just stay and play around on the net...

    What do you do at work? And if you have computer access...Just stay and play around on the net. Like here. xD (I work from home so I have no idea what I'm talking about in reality)
  14. Juneberry

    Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

    Added the first shop's items (well, what they have for now), added and edited a couple of item details, and made a partial library map. I might make it bigger though, 'cause it feels kinda cramped. Also started working on the 'help desk', which eventing is a pain for. But it should help somehow...
  15. Juneberry

    Why happy and why sad? :O

    Why happy and why sad? :O
  16. Juneberry it possible to just keep the vehicles there but not actually use them? So far that's what... it possible to just keep the vehicles there but not actually use them? So far that's what I've been doing so I haven't had errors like that. But then again, also haven't done any enemy work yet. xD
  17. Juneberry

    I can't keep up with your awesomeness. It's too much. <3

    I can't keep up with your awesomeness. It's too much. <3
  18. Juneberry

    Hi There

    Hi odd- er, sorry, bad joke. But in all seriousness, hello and welcome to you, @HalestormXV! I'm curious what got you interested in that particular trifecta- and if you'll end up using them all in your game making endeavors. Probably all pretty useful, I'd think. :)
  19. Juneberry

    Hei ho

    I try not to let my editing nature get in the way of welcoming, but I do have to note that I hope you didn't actually read any threats. Seriously, if anyone threatens you, contact staff immediately. And let me hug you. :c Anyway, that awkwardness of mine aside...Welcome! This is definitely a...
  20. Juneberry

    Hello guys

    An Algerian, huh? Actually, I don't think I've ever met someone from Algeria before...What's it like? It's full of smart people, I see. After all, joining here to learn MV when you're new to it- or even if you're not new to it, I think. I hope you'll find it super useful!