Indie Dev

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Search results

  1. sage

    Resource staff?

    This is obviously the most important piece of this idea. As everyone has stated, we need to find volunteers willing to donate their time and energy to asset creation. Before we do that, I think we should find a way to compensate them for their hard work. It would be best to actually offer...
  2. sage

    Since there is no goodbye thread... goodbye.

    Not if the site is mysteriously deleted on that day.
  3. sage

    Since there is no goodbye thread... goodbye.

    I don't know what you're referring to. All of the previous votings look fair to me. Oh, and goodbye.
  4. sage

    sits back and sips coffee.

    sits back and sips coffee.
  5. sage


    Best of luck on whatever the future holds in store for you. We'll do our best to still be here, if you are ever able to return.
  6. sage

    Sage's Art

    I definitely could, but I don't think I ever will. Here's a time lapse of the witch drawing. You get to see all of the weird stuff I do while sketching and coloring.
  7. sage

    [Poll] Change Smileys?

    I vote for having the user manually click the face to add an emoticon. Not only, will the emotes stop interfering with text but the user will also get to see the entire selection of emoticons, so he or she can find the one that best fits the situation.
  8. sage

    Sage's Art

    Kind of like a speed paint, but it took 3 hours. Whoops. I'm going to upload a youtube video for it soon.
  9. sage

    Ask sage Something

    Back in like 2007, I did a lot of animations with a program called "Pivot." I was an active member on a forum, and one day this weird game entered our chat. The forum owner mentioned that they were going to affiliate and share links and whatnot on each forum. I went ahead and joined that forum...
  10. sage

    Ask sage Something

    Lol. Thanks for determining my current state of matter.
  11. sage

    Ask sage Something

    I don't really have any specific duties. I just kind of do whatever I feel like. So the answer is probably him. He's always finding and adding new things to the forum. Usually, I try to get to the help forum stuff first, go around and clean up the forums, add new sections when needed, make...
  12. sage

    Ask sage Something

    Midterms. </3 Another week.
  13. sage

    Ask sage Something

    I'm @sage, the 'other' admin, maker of the emoticons, forum lurker, and more. If you have any advice, questions, opinions, favorites, etc. I'll answer them.
  14. sage

    Free Paint Apps for Beginner Artists?

    There's also (another photoshop clone), mischief(a drawing program with infinite zoom), and fire alpaca (a SAI clone). I'm not sure if the first two are Mac compatible, but fire alpaca is. I also don't know if Mischief would be good for sprite art (or even able to do it) because of...
  15. sage

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    Alright, I'll go ahead and edit it. >.> Yup. It's like a little fairy wasp thing. I think fairies are supposed to be cute, so I made it a cute little fairy wasp. Lol. That's something I should probably consider. These were just sketches, and I tend to make really large canvases when I do...
  16. sage

    The Practice and Criticism Thread

    You're doing good for someone who just started. You did a great job on the flower. Big images is a good idea. It gives you enough space to work on details, and that's good. You really just need to work on the basics, like human proportions and whatnot. And try not to use the airbrush to shade...
  17. sage

    Sage's Art

    Next one is done: And last, but not least:
  18. sage

    Yes. That's fine. It would fit better in the gaming discussion.

    Yes. That's fine. It would fit better in the gaming discussion.
  19. sage

    Alien Planer discovered!

    Yeah, especially with things like that Mermaid documentary.
  20. sage

    Alien Planer discovered!

    The article talks about whether or not the Kepler can detect alien structures, and does not mention that it has. It does briefly mention the bizarre star that's been sparking up a bunch of controversy lately. They probably wrote that article because it's a hot topic at the moment.