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Search results

  1. MistyDay

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    Congratulations! I choosed from this two. Ouija deserved my vote because it fit helloween conquest, but I must say I liked Geode too really much, it was like Project Firestart :3
  2. MistyDay

    partymembers gathering around your main char?

    I think you need hide other party members (there should be an option) or remove them for a while. After desired event finish put them back...
  3. MistyDay

    Rpg maker not working at all

    Starting new project will not destroy your current one. U will just know if the problem is in program itself or not.
  4. MistyDay

    Rpg maker not working at all

    Hello, I´d like help too. But I am little confused as well hehe. I must agree, events could be tricky and made me mad many times. Well what about try clean new project. Put there just default ground and hero, you will see if it freaze or not.
  5. MistyDay

    Worst Game Ever Event?

    I like this idea, there´s never enough events. I voted yes, but then deleted my cast. I think I´ll continue working on my current project instead. May be I would win with it hahaha, but I think I will not participate.
  6. MistyDay

    How can I make a Lantern effect

    1 and 3 should be easy to make with mentioned plugin. concerning 2 - If I remember well I saw exactelly what you need in one of old gamebattle demo by Mr. LTN Games. I planned ask him oneday how to do it, but have...
  7. MistyDay

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    It could be hidden next time :) We learn every day somethin new :D
  8. MistyDay

    Don't know what I'm doing

    Hi, I think the most important is to have game idea, the whole story itself. Then it goes easy because when you need something, you know what you are looking for exactelly :) There are plenty of tutorials almost for everything. Don´t be afraid, people here are very talented and helpfull, I...
  9. MistyDay

    Usuall crisis came, I need names for actors :P

    Usuall crisis came, I need names for actors :P
  10. MistyDay

    it can be pretty annoying

    it can be pretty annoying
  11. MistyDay

    Halloween Contest Voting!

    Tadaaa, I managed to taste all your games :) If you wont insist on it, I´ll not write any critigue because it would spoil a bit :D I will just vote this time as soon as I pick from my favorites. Good luck to all participants!
  12. MistyDay

    finally comipo for price I could afford :D

    finally comipo for price I could afford :D
  13. MistyDay

    Degica giveaway + steam sale

    Hello fellow members, I have just notticed new giveaway If someone wanna to join too, here is my referral link :)
  14. MistyDay

    I know I know, I started last day althought I knew I have no chance to finish it :D But I still...

    I know I know, I started last day althought I knew I have no chance to finish it :D But I still making it just for fun :) I learned new thingy and tried new ideas.
  15. MistyDay

    Ha! Degica weekend sale + giveaway :

    Ha! Degica weekend sale + giveaway :
  16. MistyDay

    even if I started in time I will not finish game for challenge o time :D

    even if I started in time I will not finish game for challenge o time :D
  17. MistyDay

    thanks to heloween challenge I finalylearned how to make fog. juhuu!

    thanks to heloween challenge I finalylearned how to make fog. juhuu!
  18. MistyDay

    RPG Maker Halloween Challenge! ($10 Steam Card Reward)

    I am sooory, I did not make it :( My fault I noticed challenge too late. (its impossible make even short story in one day :P) But don´t be sad, there are positive thingy : I have mysterious story for another event and you have chance to win ! D Good luck to all participants !
  19. MistyDay

    RPG Maker Halloween Challenge! ($10 Steam Card Reward)

    Thanky MinisterJay, Yes it don´t need to be hudge game right ? Funny-nice-spooky short one will do, at least for me :D Sadly I still did not get the right idea, but I am willing to wait. haha.
  20. MistyDay

    RPG Maker Halloween Challenge! ($10 Steam Card Reward)

    Juhuu a challenge ! I´ll try to join ! Althought I have not a single free hour till monday :P Nevermind, planty of time for figuring out something nice huh? :)