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  1. Starbird

    Database Organizer
  2. Starbird

    [HELP] Stuck In Place After Transfer Player via Common Event

    i'm not sure if this will help, but i often create a second event page with nothing on it that gets triggered at the end of the event sequence. see if that has any effect. btw, the art looks great in your game!
  3. Starbird

    Need help on a battle event.

    edit: i missed a couple steps the first time. 1. set up switch that determines whether Captain's Rage includes deleterious effects 2. set up switch (switch 2 from here) that determines whether char has learned safe use of Captain's Rage 3. set up Captain's Rage skill 4.. set up common event...
  4. Starbird

    thank you @KMangym ! Happy game-making :)

    thank you @KMangym ! Happy game-making :)
  5. Starbird

    drawFace () and drawActorFace () Not Drawing to Window.

    weird... i'm working on a plugin that requires drawing the actor faces to a new window, so i'll have a look and see what happens. can you please keep me posted if you find a solution to this issue?
  6. Starbird

    Playtest Error : Menu Missing?

    create a dummy file with that exact name and put it in the folder. it's a hack but it should get you past that error
  7. Starbird

    Playtest Error : Menu Missing?

    do you have a file by that name in that folder?
  8. Starbird

    bondage outfit gear bundle [Deleted]

    it shouldn't be more than 4 days. i've never seen it take longer than that.
  9. Starbird

    bondage outfit gear bundle [Deleted]

    @tylerr90 can please PM @armanth -- he purchased a product from you and is having some difficulty. i've asked Xyphien (site owner) to look into things on the back end as well. we'll get it sorted out :)
  10. Starbird

    bondage outfit gear bundle [Deleted]

    hey @Xyphien, can you help out armanth? He still isn't able to download a product that he bought.
  11. Starbird

    about to launch dev on my first serious game. refining core concepts then will be looking for a...

    about to launch dev on my first serious game. refining core concepts then will be looking for a team. i'll be begging @CT_Bolt to join up :)
  12. Starbird

    The plot (and other things) for my new project

    I can't recall the name of it, but I've seen card systems implemented in RMMV. I'm sure you can find some if you search. That will likely get your halfway there. If you have experience with Javascript then you'll have no problem tweaking it to get what you want out of it. Sounds like a cool game...
  13. Starbird

    bondage outfit gear bundle [Deleted]

    That usually means that you paid by electronic check (e-check) and not via direct funds transfer (PayPal funds). It usually takes about 3 or 4 days for the e-check to "clear" at which point your download will become available.
  14. Starbird

    Starbird - Ultimate Alt Tileset Collection - 80 Tilesets + MORE [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  15. Starbird

    Okay, finally getting around to some big updates on Premium package, including some sheets of...

    Okay, finally getting around to some big updates on Premium package, including some sheets of autotiles.
  16. Starbird

    Starbird RETRO COLLECTION - Tilesets, Battlers, Battlebacks, Characters + MORE [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  17. Starbird

    Starbird - Palace Interior - RTP Style Tileset [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available.
  18. Starbird

    Neuralnet AI makes old assets usable again

    ah, well then i will definitely kick the tires a bit. it does look extremely helpful.
  19. Starbird

    Neuralnet AI makes old assets usable again

    definitely looks amazing but haven't spent the $100 yet to see how it performs in the wild ;) also, I could swear that I liked your post back when you posted it. i remember reading it and checking it out. weird.
  20. Starbird

    Room Arrangement Question

    My first instinct was to go with the former over the latter, but @UngraguGaming offers and interesting option that would be worth trying out. One nice thing about entering/leaving maps is that you can easily reset any relevant switches that way. but there's something very aesthetic about the...