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  1. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    If you know of any tilesets or charas let me know. That would be of grate help to get her game done. She wants to know what it was like. We are dyslexic so it is hard for us. She had now excepted the fact we are native. Was a shock to me when she asked me to make it. lol I am going to mix it up.
  2. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Oh there is an Aztec chara pack and that is it. Almost forgot that one.
  3. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    Mix them up because there the only thing i found at this time is 1 dream catcher in the magic dlc they have, Only thing is they turned it white when it was made from leather. Only one item was made with white leather and that was not it.
  4. Jodis

    What have you worked on today?

    I am working on a request from my mother who has now embraced the fact and excepted us having native american blood. She wants a game with farming and hunting with longhouses, teepees and totem poles. Looks like I am doing a new pack all. Native style this time. looked and only found 2 and i...
  5. Jodis

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    You are welcome glad I could help.
  6. Jodis

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    Every time a new version comes out wait they don't have beta testers.
  7. Jodis


    Welcome Stark Snow.
  8. Jodis

    Rpg Maker MZ review

    Well I downloaded the trial and looked at it. Not much there for me to get it. One thing too many bugs. Look for yourself RPG Maker MZ Feedback | RPG Maker Forums ( The next thing was the better coloring what a joke. I took one of the tilesets to test out the coloring to mv it...
  9. Jodis

    glad i had a backup

    glad i had a backup
  10. Jodis

    Had a nother computer crash again just got the thing replaced again and hubby still not finished...

    Had a nother computer crash again just got the thing replaced again and hubby still not finished with the quest script LOL LOL i got to tell him i told u so lol
  11. Jodis

    LOL. This may 3 if my hubby don't finish his quest script. I get to tell him "I told you so!" I...

    LOL. This may 3 if my hubby don't finish his quest script. I get to tell him "I told you so!" I am going to nag him tell it is done. When I got rpg maker mv he said he would make one and I said i didn't want it to take 3 years. He promest me it would not take that long. LOL LOL LOL lOL
  12. Jodis

    [Help Wanted] In need of art!

    If you own ace you can use the generator there as well. Make a Chara with different colored skin put wings on them and then don't resize then they will blur. but put them in mv Chara file and u got a small winged enemy. don't know about the side view . Also with my tile sets i use default they...
  13. Jodis

    Super Gate

    Jodis submitted a new resource: Super Gate - Tropical and a super gate. Read more about this resource...
  14. Jodis

    RPG Maker Super Gate V1.0

    I uploaded the project folder this time becouse of the events would be to hard to post. AUDIO FOLDER REMOVED did this so it is faster to download. Credit: Jodis or Jodis Games I used default tiles so you can edit it any way you want dont need to ask me. 1 Tropical Hot tub 2 New in side for...
  15. Jodis

    New here, greetings

    Nice to see a rpg maker vet my first rpg maker version was 95 lol. only one's i really liked are ace and mv. I find that most of the time i can use mv tiles to make what i need. like using the wood walls to make a boat and I use photoshop as well. There was no rose so i made one and added it to...
  16. Jodis

    nope it was not the hard drive it was the cpu and bio's all the data is there. just an old pos. lol

    nope it was not the hard drive it was the cpu and bio's all the data is there. just an old pos. lol
  17. Jodis

    Jodis Tail

    Jodis updated Jodis Tail with a new update entry: Fixed Read the rest of this update entry...
  18. Jodis

    RPG Maker Jodis Tail - Fixed

    Fixed a pixel problem.
  19. Jodis

    Computer got fryed will be back when i get a new computer.

    Computer got fryed will be back when i get a new computer.
  20. Jodis

    Benvenuto. Mi dispiace che non lo parli bene. Spero che ti si possa auitare impararlo. Mentre in...

    Benvenuto. Mi dispiace che non lo parli bene. Spero che ti si possa auitare impararlo. Mentre in questo site, prova ad usare d'inglese per favore. (Welcome. I am sorry that you can't speak it well. I hope that someone may be able to help you learn it. While in this site, please try to use...