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Working SkillBook!

RPG Maker Working SkillBook! 1.3

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Well ive run into a slight error that anyone who uses this may run into. Its not a big one, its just the the common events do not allow multiple pages like a regular event, which is what the system is kinda based on. No worries tho, their is 2 simple fixes for that. Either you have a parallel system on each map, or you will have to use one event page for all of this. Both will work but in theory, it seems to me that parallel constant running event on every may map slow down your gameplay if your using an older computer, but if thats the case then you may have a decent lag anyways.But only having one common event page for the whole system can get confusing if you attempt to set it up all at once. What im doing is making an event page for each skill and setting it up and in the in i will copy and paste it all on to one autorun common event page.
Ill post pictures of my common even once i have it saved, but for users who arent new, once you see the way i got all of this set up, im sure you can figure it out from there.

Please leave me some kind of feed back if you need help. I currently have a crafting system plugin and warehouse plugin, but im thinking that i will go all out and design it from scratch like i did this one. I think it would be more orriginal, and quite frankly i think my version of a skillbook looks better than the simple skill plugins by YEP. takes more work on your own but to have an actual book popup with skills and stuff, just seems more like a good RPG vs having it in your basic menu. Their is no, uhh, finesse to it lol.

so if you like this type of system, i will be in design of a few more quite similar that require no coding or plugins of your own, just setup work with varibles and switches.

At the very least, some of you should be able to use the pictures to code your own skill book if you dont wish to do it like mine.

And if anyone has any kind of system requests, let me know and i will do my absolutte best to make an easy to use system such as this. even if i get nothing out of it, i still love the challenge, so just let me know!