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Working SkillBook!

RPG Maker Working SkillBook! 1.3

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Well i wanted a working Skill Book but i was having trouble finding one.
Ive checked out the Learn skill plugins and skill core and those are cool and all but to me its not the same.


Click here for Small video Demonstration

Since im really not that great at coding, this is my event, switch, and variable system
which seems to be working for me. It does require quite some work to set everything up but once you do, You have a great working skillbook.

I admit, i could have done a better job and piecing the skill book together because i done it all from scratch, but I think its a good first attempt. And since i rely on other peoples plugins to get my game up and running, the least i can do is share this at hope someone will find it as useful as me.


transfer all pictures and icons to your rpg project folder.

Next your gunna want to download a program that tells your coordinates based on where the image is. This program is excellent if your like me and was pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to center my pictures. Watch the video and the guy will show you how to do it. If you prefer to not have to go through the trouble of downloading a demo to test and display location then you can try setting your resolution settings in Yep_Core Engine to 1400xWidth x768Height
Im not saying it will for sure work depending on your desktop resolution but my desktop resolution is set to 1366x768. if you use my settings, then use the same coordinates as in the pictures ive included.

You will need to create a switch for each of your passive skills and just name it what the skill is.

You will need to create 3 variables for each skill as well. One that tells you the level, one that tells you the current exp, and one that tells you what exp achieves next level. (Its a pain i know, but if you can script, im sure you can use these resources to make it easier than this.)

Now either create either an event to open skill book. or make an item for the skillbook that calls common event when selected.

next use the how to pictures located in the folder to set up your event.

Im sure some of you will consider my work here sloppy and i agree, but it does work.

It will be up to you to set things like this:
If i mine a rock, i will set that rock to add a value of 10 to my mining exp variable, and it will set a conditional branch to check to see if my exp is hitting a certain value. If it hits that value, it will change the variable linked to the actual level and the variable that tells you how much till your next level.

As you will see in the pictures and video, i used a text box to display the value of a variable with this command
" \V[id] "
where the word "id" is the variable number you wish to have displayed.

This is my first post and im trying to make sure that i did not forget anything but if i did, feel free to contact me and i can help if i messed up the instructions.

Oh and i almost forgot. as you may see in the video, when the pictures first pop up in the game, it seems that their is a lag. Its really not a big deal but i think if you set off some kind of event that displays every image for the skillbook as transparent and then remove them with the same autorun event, it may create a cache of the pictures so that when you do decide to load them using the skill system, it may not have that lag because its recalling an image from memory vs creating it from scratch. This is just a theory, but it seems probable.

how to1.png
how to2.png
how to3.png
how to4.png
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