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Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac

RPG Maker Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac 0.58 Direct

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Note: For some reason the download button isn't bringing up the updated versions, so from now on please refer to these two links to get the demo's latest version!

Windows V0.58 -

Mac V0.58 -

Tales of the Lumminai is a dark fantasy rpg set in two parallel worlds. As the player, you get to choose which world to play in, based on the gender of your main character. Both stories are unique, and different yet similar.

Both worlds are experiencing unforeseen events that date back to the beginning of the Lumminai spirits themselves with the Twilight Calamity. A dark force prowls on the horizon and the mystery of this force remains untold. "The Evil One" has a dark plot to create something unimaginable, and he seeks the Lumminai Crystals of the 8 Great Heralds to achieve his goals.

Join Lumi, and the few remaining Heralds as they try and stop this evil force in any way they can! Uncover the hidden powers of the Lumminai spirits and use them to your advantage against "The Evil One" and his massive armies.

With a dark past and a darker future, you must shape the world as you see fit in order to preserve life or will you fall to the path of darkness and pursuit ultimate power in a new world?

8/27/2016 - Updated to 0.58 "Lucia's Story (3 chapters + side content)
5/5/2016 - Updated to 0.40 "Lucia's Story Only"
2/3/2016 - Updated to 0.20 "Lucia's Story Only"

Full list of changes in 0.58
Graphics overhaul
New Light Rays overlayed on most if not all exterior maps
Battle system changed to CTB
Save Core enabled
Several new characters into the story
Dynamic NPC's (change based on time of day)
More lively event scenes
On Map enemy encounters in all exterior maps and larger dungeons
Randomized enemy appearances and type for each encounter
Fixed various boss battles to be more balanced
Fixed several skills to be more balanced and useful
Fixed state lockups such as permanent frozen status
Added skills for Lucia to remove status ailments
Added items to remove certain status ailments
Complete class system overhaul for all characters
Added class changing capabilities (prolly not usable yet but they're in there!)
Changed the layout for a couple of the Wisparya Forest maps
Added harvesting nodes on most if not all exterior maps except towns
Added several new side quests to do inbetween chapters
Added Quan Tum NPC so you can skip to next chapter rather than wait
Added Aurora Peaks Cliff Base map
Added first treasure hidden cavern map and related events
Added various puzzles to existing maps if you can find them you get rewarded for doing them
Added Fisherman npc in Venfey Port to sell you ropes used for construction side quests
Added several new items to the shops
Added costume items and relative eventing to make them usable
Removed annoying repetitive text from save points. Only happens on the very first one now.
Removed bugged eventing that prevented progression into Chapter 3
Added in the first relationship chat with Lumi (acts much like the A.T.E. in FFIX xP All others will be this way as well)
Fixed missing code to change variables when meeting new playable characters.
Replaced several enemies with SV animated enemies.
Replaced several event NPC's with dynamic ones to better portray the life they live.
Changed the shop trigger to be at the front desk rather than the shopkeepers themself (while they were working the shop used to be unable to interact with, so this fixes that and they still do their individual work)
Added "safe" zones to the roadways to avoid battles. (This is to prevent overlevelling and making the bosses incredibly difficult since they scale to party level)

Things to Take Note Of
There may still be some balancing errors that need done. As of right now though, I've been able to play through and beat all three chapters and side content with little troubles.

Some enemies have oddly placed battlers so it may cause some overlapping. For some reason I'm having troubles resizing them. While this won't effect anything other than visual appearance, it's something to note since they may overlap each other entirely and you'll think it's one enemy when there's actually two.

After I lost a big chunk of the game, things may have changed with the patchwork I did to repair it, so if you notice anything that you think shouldn't be occurring please let me know so I can fix it!

For more information regarding the game, please refer to the Wiki page here so that you may better understand what is going on while the game is still in development. Here

List of Known Bugs
States don't go down with every action sometimes. Not sure why this happens, but it does happen sometimes and it's nothing that will break the game, just a minor nuisance.

Skill text still needs worked and some may not properly represent what they do. We'll have this fixed with the next major update though!

The Team Behind the Project
Gabriel Moss

**Disclaimer** Some images may change in the future when the project is closer to finished status! There are currently many placeholder images in use.**

--Awaiting new screenshots, sorry guys, the old ones on here are no longer relating to the game since things have changed for the better on those maps --
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Quick hotfixes for crashing errors Updating with a fix for the crash...
  2. Updated again due to wrong file link apparently

    So even though I was taking the shareable link directly from the file itself once uploaded it...
  3. Proper version with white screen fix!

    Alright guys, this should now be the working proper version of the demo with some minor changes...