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Social Media Buttons Plugin

RPG Maker Social Media Buttons Plugin 1.7

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In Version 1.7, a button to show Pinterest profiles or specific boards was added.

The buttons block also remains on the bottom right of the screen, with the buttons dynamically repositioning depending on which ones are turned on or off.
Added a YouTube social media button, where you can opt to take your players to your username or channel, or to show them a specific video or playlist.

Also (finally!) shortened the name to Social Media Buttons.
The plugin now has Google+ support.

Another minor update: The buttons dynamically position depending on which are toggled on or off.
Added more Twitter options: Screen Name and User ID. These will go to the corresponding Twitter account.

I also added a Follow option for Twitter, enabling players to follow your Twitter account directly from within RMMV.

There's also no need to type the full URL for Facebook, just the page id/name.

Although the focus has mainly been on Twitter, I've been experimenting with the APIs of other social media sites, notably Facebook, but also Google+ too.
Added browser support. You can now choose (in the Plugin Manager options) whether to open links in a browser or game window.
This link is the new version and goes directly to the ZIP file containing the plugin and Terms of Use file. Right-click on the link and download. Extract the CW_SocialMediaButtons.js file directly into your projects "js/plugins" folder.

Don't forget to activate it in the Plugin Manager (as I sometimes do) and tweak the settings to your preference. The Help section provides all of the information you'll need to get this plugin running.
You can now call any website from within the game via events, using the Plugin Command: showurl <website> where <website> is the full URL you'd like to display.