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Social Media Buttons Plugin

RPG Maker Social Media Buttons Plugin 1.7

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Nice app. It happened when I was looking rmmv plugins and suddenly saw the best one.
Very helpful plugin!
I really dig what you did there, it is a very useful feature that allow developer to receive the publicity it needs for making the game.
I am not making/planning to make a commercial use game, however I agree with Xyphien that it will be very lovely to make this for commercial use, because every developer has its right to get the publicity it needed. Even with this in mind, the plugin works like charm :)
Companion Wulf
Companion Wulf
Thanks for the review and thoughts. I agree with you (especially with the new update to v1.7). The issue of commercial use terms has been playing on my mind for awhile. I think I have a solution that's fair to everyone, but I'm still "chewing the cud" over details.
Doesn't get any better than this.
Companion Wulf
Companion Wulf
Thanks :) I'll be adding Google+ support soon too, but that's it because using APIs and SDKs may over-complicate things for the end-user. I'd like to keep it as simple but useable as possible.
One of the most useful apps I have found! Keep it up, and would love to see updates and more plugins like this!
Companion Wulf
Companion Wulf
Wow! Thanks! :)
Absolutely outstanding plugin. It adds something every game needs in my opinion. My only gripe is not allowing it for commercial use
Companion Wulf
Companion Wulf
Thank you. I may reconsider allowing it for commercial use. I'm in the process of restructuring the site and Terms of Use, so we'll just go from there.
Awesome plugin, such a great idea. You did a really good job on this, thank you for sharing.
Companion Wulf
Companion Wulf
Thanks! Hopefully, particularly when it's out of beta, it'll help with games' exposure. And, thanks to JGSS, it's made much easier (tried it with RGSS; it was doable but was a bit of a hassle).