After having installed this in my 'Dummy' testbed sandbox. It works a treat. Easily adjusted for Map dimensions, easy to set up, at least for basic 'Go-No go Map indications, and easy to set up specific Event indications. I added a Map On-Off Switch Event, for instance, and gave it its own colour code and Region, and could easily spot it on the MiniMap, and was able to easily toggle the Mini-Map On and Off. Good stuff, lad; good stuff.
Downsides..? Not lot, as a neophyte old duffer of a User, but I'm not up to speed with the colour codes, so had to guess a bit. I thought it more prudent to limit my trials to just 'web-friendly' codes, but didn't get the colour I was expecting on the Mini-Map. No great shakes; it won't take me long to work out what works and what doesn't (although RGB might be easier...). I'd use this 'as is', with no qualms. If it gets improved or optimised further, I'll adopt, too. I'll not start putting regions and such into my real Rachdale Cheese Game Maps yet, if it's going to evolve, but I'll keep playing around with this to get a better hold on it. My thumb is up and my hat duly doffed. Well done, Sir, and thank you.