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RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

RPG Maker RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin 2.3.2

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Hi Mr. William, I'm using your minimap plugin, and the settings cannot be saved except for the quality(low,medium,high) What should I do?
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very nice plugin thanks
Hello friend

I have a problem, when inizialite and save, when go to menu and when loading to game save, generate to next error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
at Minimap_Display.$gameSystem.mmData.plugins.mainInit (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapWait.js:88)
at Minimap_Display.initialize (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapPro.js:287)
at new Minimap_Display (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapPro.js:274)
at Scene_Map.update (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapPro.js:1722)
at Scene_Map.update (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapWait.js:134)
at Function.SceneManager.updateScene (rpg_managers.js:2024)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (rpg_managers.js:1983)
at Function.SceneManager.update (rpg_managers.js:1907)

please, can you help me?
great script,I've used the example calls you provided in your help file and none of them work... well they do work but instead of changing the area's to the defined colour they change them to black.
Yeah, sorry so many bugs with this plugin its unreal
Hey ! Awesome plugin !
Well, so awesome that I'm thinking about deleting the saving option, since for me I can't loead any saved files ^^
As for now, I would like to understand howto stop an event from displaying, I couldn't manage it with the <Switch:#> command, I always get an error... Like <mmStop> can't read properties :(
Anyway I just love it ! It's incredible ! :)
Thanks, I really need to update it though.. its too full of errors like the one you got D:
A brilliant resource from a brilliant developer :D
Cool Minimap!
I really like it
I really do like this Plugin, but I am having of a problem. I cannot figure out how to work the <mmBeacon:ture/false> and <mmSwitch:#>. If you could explain these in more that would be amazing.
The beacon function is enabled by typing <mmBeacon:true> and it makes a blinking circle thing appear on the minimap. If you want the event to only show on the minimap when a switch is on use <mmSwitch:1> (Where 1 is the switch ID)
Thanks for your works. This is a good plugins. I propose a fix for the crash on loading in the discuss section.
awesome! Also remember to manually export which image you select for the customize screen otherwise you'll get a missing image error, I didn't know about the @require 1 setting at the time lmao
Good Plugin, But If u could add an option for custom border like image.png which is transparent at center where we could fit the Minimap that would be awesome.
Thanks but I don't recommend using this version as its out of date and doesn't support the "require" function which means once you export, errors could happen.
this plugin was to great to be reviewed.
Good for mini-map
But Why always crash after load game?
this bug or something?
how to fix that
A bug that takes too much to fix atm, rewritting it again
It's really good and well thought out. Is there a size setting that I can keep it at? Rather than scaling based on map size, just have a set width/height? I just want it to be 136x136.
I really apologize for any bad coding I may have done in the past, I'm trying to work up motivation to redo this plugin and make it much greater with a customizable size and scrolling map.
Hi, it is really annoying to see a good plugin which doesn't work at all because the developer is "lazy". Could you at least make the version without "Settings parameters" option available on this page ? If setting parameter isn't enabled then it doesn't bug.
I'm not lazy dude, I have severe depression which makes me lose interest and on top of ADD which makes it even harder. As for removing the option, it'll have to wait until I (if I do), design another minimap system.
Excellent ! great plugin I searched forso long
Finally. I´ve been searching for a minimap puggin for so long and this is really great, it´s what I always wanted for my Labyrinth. Good work. ;)
glad you like it =D My newer one though (if I ever finish it lol been lazy af with RPG maker) will be a lot better tho O:
Maybe that it crashes because of the settings options that change the GameSystem variable. Is there any way to disable the Setting option through the plugin parameters ?
idk, its been forever since I've done this sorta thing (mv plugins), been focusing mostly on other stuff, but I've tried to get back into plugin making... I'm a better coder now so if I make an update for this, it wont have the same crashes/issues that's for sure.
Wow what you have done is so cool :D
thanks, though some people are having issues with it :/
This thing is shit man. I used to on all my games and realised it was making the game crash each time you want to "Continue" a saved game. You said it was only while play testing but not at all. This things just doesn't work.
Idk wtf happened but I'm not about to fix it any time soon.