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RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin

RPG Maker RPG Maker MV Mini-Map Plugin 2.3.2

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When playtesting, you will need to start a new game, if you load a save file you'll get an error, because this plugin adds information to the $gameSystem variable to save configuration settings, etc.

Hi there, everybody! I've now updated the minimap to a much greater version. This version allows the player to completely customize the looks and feel of the minimap.

There are several new things as well! Now, you can completely stop an event from displaying by turning on a switch. More info in video or in help file!

You are also no longer required to use UPP_Core.

The current list of addons for this plugin are:
You can speed up the color changing process by pressing Q or W on the keyboard (or L/R on a controller)

FREE for commercial use
You are 100% allowed to use this plugin commercially, just credit William Ramsey.

if you like this plugin, please consider donating, it'd really help me out! :)
Click Here to donate
NEW! Latest update has improved a lot! Check out the Updates Tab to see the new features!

This plugin requires the upp_plugin, you can get it here.


Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce my first MV plugin. This plugin basically creates a mini-map for your games. You draw the minimap using Regions, so there are tons of color combinations you can use, making your mini-map unique from others.

The mini-map is 100% customizable, you can define its size, as well as the color displayed for EACH and every region id.



Older Video:


This plugin lets you draw out a mini-map using Regions! Region 0 = background color.

To use, simply start placing regions on your map, and then modify the colors of each region using the plugin settings.

You can show and hide the player or choose to hide the mini-map at the game start from the settings as well.

To show and hide the minimap, use this plugin command:

To show and hide the player indicator, use this plugin command:

Commercial Use-
This script is 100% free to use, both non-commercially and commercially. Credit goes to William Ramsey, or William TheUnproPro, either is fine. That being said, if you do wish to support me, contact me at and I'll give you some link you can use to donate via paypal.

This is my first MV Plugin, the coding in it is probably quote un-optimized, that being said it shouldn't really effect the performance of the game, as there are no loops being re-called constantly. However, the coding might look a bit messy.
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 48 ratings

More resources from TheUnproPro

Latest updates

  1. Major bug fix

    If you're using my other plugins, you'll need to update them as well. I had to do a major patch...
  2. Mini patch

    Patched the way the border is drawn, it should look a lot better now. Also enabled something for...
  3. Added version display so you know which version you have.

    I've added the version you're using to the description of the plugin, that way you can quickly...

Latest reviews

Hi Mr. William, I'm using your minimap plugin, and the settings cannot be saved except for the quality(low,medium,high) What should I do?
o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o
very nice plugin thanks
Hello friend

I have a problem, when inizialite and save, when go to menu and when loading to game save, generate to next error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'call' of undefined
at Minimap_Display.$gameSystem.mmData.plugins.mainInit (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapWait.js:88)
at Minimap_Display.initialize (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapPro.js:287)
at new Minimap_Display (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapPro.js:274)
at Scene_Map.update (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapPro.js:1722)
at Scene_Map.update (/C:/Users/JCThe/OneDrive/Documentos/Games/Project/js/plugins/upp_minimapWait.js:134)
at Function.SceneManager.updateScene (rpg_managers.js:2024)
at Function.SceneManager.updateMain (rpg_managers.js:1983)
at Function.SceneManager.update (rpg_managers.js:1907)

please, can you help me?
great script,I've used the example calls you provided in your help file and none of them work... well they do work but instead of changing the area's to the defined colour they change them to black.
Yeah, sorry so many bugs with this plugin its unreal
Hey ! Awesome plugin !
Well, so awesome that I'm thinking about deleting the saving option, since for me I can't loead any saved files ^^
As for now, I would like to understand howto stop an event from displaying, I couldn't manage it with the <Switch:#> command, I always get an error... Like <mmStop> can't read properties :(
Anyway I just love it ! It's incredible ! :)
Thanks, I really need to update it though.. its too full of errors like the one you got D:
A brilliant resource from a brilliant developer :D
Cool Minimap!
I really like it
I really do like this Plugin, but I am having of a problem. I cannot figure out how to work the <mmBeacon:ture/false> and <mmSwitch:#>. If you could explain these in more that would be amazing.
The beacon function is enabled by typing <mmBeacon:true> and it makes a blinking circle thing appear on the minimap. If you want the event to only show on the minimap when a switch is on use <mmSwitch:1> (Where 1 is the switch ID)
Thanks for your works. This is a good plugins. I propose a fix for the crash on loading in the discuss section.
awesome! Also remember to manually export which image you select for the customize screen otherwise you'll get a missing image error, I didn't know about the @require 1 setting at the time lmao