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Nature Autum

RPG Maker Nature Autum

Well Done Gggggggggggggg
alright alright. i cant seem to donwload it. did it get removed?
so good i love it thank you
It works great with the Game I'm making, works with an apocalyptic world
Spectacular! Fall is my favorite season and these really bring out everything great about the season!
Amazing details on those leaves,and the wood... wow, really good job, love it :)
It's just Great! Many thanks!
I'm in love with this trees. Your job is amazing!
Stunning detail, one of the best sets on this website, please keep contributing! I will be contacting you once I finish my project if I decide to commercialize it, but I will certainly be using these sets and crediting you in my free games.
Nice work. Love the low poly texture look. Non jagged, flat and warm. A+
These are stunning, not much you can say about a masterpiece other than, excellent job. Thank you for sharing Panda.