This is one of the more "Interesting" games I've come across ever, I have some good and bad things to say about this
1. "The Storyline" The story was "Okay" I Liked the main concept of it but I felt at times I Didn't understand what the game was trying to portray to me and the amount of text was a bit annoying but this is a good original storyline :D
2."Characters" To Be honest I have no complaints here I like them
3."Enemies" Well there are a few things I need to say here, for one the monsters feel overstated and to OP, ESPECIALLY The werewolves who are out hunting and if you choose to fight them you get killed instantaneously also some of the most basic enemies either feel too easy or WAY Too over powered also I think you need to add your own enemy graphics or go to the googles and get some instead of using stock images of RM
4."Other mini things that don't need a real topic"
1.The kid who plays hide and seek never tells you a specific area where he's going to hide I take A.C.N.L(animal crossing new leaf) For an example here. The animals who play the Hide&Seek mini game tell you they won't hide in buildings but this kid just poofs out of thin air
2.The intro really got me to the point where I was spamming the Z key
I felt like I got a whole paragraph of text EVERY SINGLE TEXT BOX!!! and really got me bored
3.The world map felt kinda bland and maybe you should adjust that?
4.After the intro when the purple tree was shown the story didn't give me a taste Of what I was after it just said: "Council, meeting, meet met there!"
5.The menu kinda was very MV not VX But still very MV please Adjust with ANY Main menu plugin
6. you need to create your own title screen I link you to this video don't buy Echo607(she is amazing you need to sub XD)
Thank you for letting me play this great demo had a lot of fun and hopefully I can see the finish project HAPPY GAME MAKING :D