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Firearms and Flowers - Greetings From The Garden [Contest 4/2019] 1.0

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The story starts off nice, engaging, and is quite funny. I also like the creative transition from the original map to the jungle map. I have a question though, I grabbed paper at the trials portion of the game and placed it on the shrine and waited. Nothing happened, so I had assumed that my object of choice was incorrect, yet I had no idea on how to drop it to choose another one.

Does the game end there, or am I encouraged to restart the game and choose another object after likely saving upon entering the trial map?
Paper absolutely should have worked. Not sure how I missed that as testing all of the objects in there was mind-numbing and annoying to me, but apparently I missed one. My mistake there.

I'm going to fix it and update it on . I won't update it here until the contest is over.
Giving 5*s just for the start of this and the transition to black and white to color & the hilarious dialog!! brilliant!! Haven't had a battle yet but seems really good so far, I also love the idea of some of these elements like plastic! Really creative..
Battles are most certainly my weakest point here.