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Butterfly Fairy Wings 4th gen

RPG Maker Butterfly Fairy Wings 4th gen 2016-01-11

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Alright guys, I couldn't figure out a fix for the color scheme, but I decided to just make altered copies of the SV file, all the others color properly so no replacements for them were needed. On a side note, to make the wings show in the portrait, you'll have to add it in a layer behind the character portrait by using a program such as Gimp or Photoshop.

Basically what I did was change the hue/saturation and color values to fit new colors on the SV file for both male and female. Now they are available in blue, red, and yellow. All you have to do is copy the files in those colored folders to the SV section of the main generator folder and it will show as those colors in the generator in MV. A basic fix, but it's all I can do at this point.

As this is also the final pass, I will not be updating this set of wings anymore, but I will be adding in 3 more sets minimal to add an even bigger variety to choose from (hopefully those will work from the start, but if not I'll add the color variations from the start!) But hey, if you guys can figure out what's wrong with it and fix it, simply lemme know and I'll make the change, but I and several others can't figure it out.

Good news guys! I figured out why the TV set wasn't showing up and have fixed it. The colors work fine on that part now as well. Both male/female versions will show up now too!

Turns out, it was a misnamed file in the set xP. All fixed now. Only thing I have to figure out is how to fix the coloring on the SV parts.
Fixes and addition to second pass:

The positioning is now proper on all files.

Added a male version as well, with proper positioning for them.

Fixed TV files to have both a part 1 and part 2 like the other wings do in an attempt to fix that (still isn't showing though so idk at this point) but the files are included if anyone can figure that out!

New problems with second pass....

Cause we all knew it would happen, right? lol Anyway, the coloring doesn't seem to want to work now, and I'm not sure why because it's colored right in the file (literally same as it was before, and it worked then, just updated with the new positioning) I'll keep working with it to try and figure out why only 1 part of the wing is changing color while the rest stays pink. (works fine for the Downed version though oddly enough)

Enjoy guys! It looks the same as before, just fitted better to the character and male version included.