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  • I'm going away for a week, and Idk if I'll have internet where I'm going. So... I may, or may not be absent for a week.
    Have a good trip!
    * "Party for a week" Send. *
    Stop apologizing, you're doing great! Site is really good and has a growing community. Regarding the 'Resources' section, can you look at adding categories so that we can have scripts, tile sets, sprites and music in respective sections as opposed to pages of intermixed resources? Would make selling/sharing more efficient and time-smart. Thanks for all the work you've already done. Love this site!
    There are sections for all of that. When you click on Resources, look at the left side :) The homepage is a mixed of everything, which is something I'm unable to fix as of now.
    • Like
    Reactions: Maple
    Sorry once again everyone for my lack of activity. I'll be extremely busy the next week or so. Class starting, a bunch of events, etc.
    Time to mess up the forums.
    Sorry for my absence everyone. I know I haven't been on as much. I've been swamped :( Still am :(
    oh i see. :( darn
    you can disable it with BBCode... or.... maybe i am wrong.. test with the code
    @eivl I didn't want to disable it, I love the smilies here. it's just that auto-smilies are losing in the poll so I know they will be gone soon xD and I'm too lazy to click!
    I don't mean to bug you but the Prefix fix you did...
    Still hasn't shown up for me :( I don't know if its
    because I have a saved post already in it but I thought
    I'd say something just in case it might be awhile before
    it works.
    I removed it from requiring to put a prefix. You shouldn't have to put any prefix anymore because it's not required. Post it, and see if it works :)
    Can I also add a prize to the CCE of my own for the winner(I plan to enter myself this time , but would like to add a prize of my own to the 1st place place winner if not myself ;) )
    Sure thing! Please PM me further information :)
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