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  • Can people please tell me how smoothly this MV title-screen runs for them? web (no download)
    After about a minute of seeing the Loading Message, I received an "unspecified error" message.
    • Like
    Reactions: Lore
    That's an unhelpful Internet Explorer crash (Microsoft Edge?). I'm guessing you're on a low-spec machine?
    Running on a laptop (not the greatest):
    Dell N5040, Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M390 @ 2.67GHz 2.66 GHz
    Memory: 4 GB
    System Type: 64 Bit OS
    Windows, Firefox v53

    It runs but very choppy (most MV web games run this way for me).
    Looks like a very interesting concept though. ☺

    ...Sorry I respond months later lol
    Still on the fence about writing a 3D map Plugin. Right now I have a spinning cube in MV, but the hard part is drawing the tilemap.
    Boy Who Codes
    Boy Who Codes
    Have an idea about 3D plugins. Was wondering if you know a way to use the mode 7 while you're actually not in flight. The ones by KGC uses the vehicle to trigger the mode 7 which is way heavy to modify to set it for the character instead. Or maybe a way to trick the default maps to be extruded?
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