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  1. Xilefian

    What would you say is acceptable language to use in RPG Maker?

    It needs to be part of good writing. Too many people use profanity thinking it's a cheap technique for adding impact to dialogue (I argue that character animations would be better for adding impact to dialogue), but that kind of usage is rather juvenile. It's usually accompanied with length...
  2. Xilefian

    Update 3.0 Change Log

    I haven't been here for a while, just returned to check some posts, but the new layout is visually very, very busy and made it very difficult for me to identify where I needed to navigate to. The top sticky bar is visually distracting: the fact that it is lighter (higher contrast) than the main...
  3. Xilefian

    Group Plugin!

    You were looking forward to entering a contest called "Group Plugin" - and were surprised to find it involves writing Plugins? Without the sass: Yeah I imagine this will reduce the amount of people who can enter, but so many contests out there are related to resource creation, like characters...
  4. Xilefian

    Group Plugin!

    Yeah this looks like a programmer's only deal. $100 isn't much, so professional devs should consider this light fun and an excuse to develop something simple - rather than take it seriously. Does it have to be Pokemon battle system or monster capturing related? There's other, more interesting...
  5. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    I started work on async operations, it is possible, but the complexity grew quite massively so I put this branch of development on freeze. This is an open-source project, so if you're willing to you can add asynchronous operations in yourself, it would be much appreciated (I don't have much...
  6. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Haven't updated it in quite a while, however whilst a fix SPECIFIC to your error hasn't been made (it's an issue with WebView limitations that desktop deployments don't care about, not my code), a feature has been added that gives you a way to fix it via a Plugin. We've added the ability to...
  7. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You have an invalid build variant there (debug). The only valid variants are webviewDebug and z_crosswalkDebug, so this suggests that you imported the project incorrectly. You should delete this project, re-extract the Zip and import it again. Check the tutorial to make sure you're importing...
  8. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    For some reason you decided to add extra lines to this file. Don't do that. See how lines 52, 53 and 54 in this link here are all on their own lines? For some reason you decided to split the lines (52, 53, 54...
  9. Xilefian

    RPG Maker MV: Android update deletes savegames!

    WebStorage does not need an internet connection, it's just a database table stored on your local web browser, so when you save your game it writes the "files" to a database, rather than making actual folders and files on the phone. If you are able to use Node.JS to deploy then you'll have...
  10. Xilefian

    quota exceeded error for android deployment

    It is internal storage, so having direct access to save files is a difficult thing. You will need a rooted phone or you need advanced knowledge of Android ADB's APK backup feature. I don't see why you need access to the save files themselves. If you want to test out your game, test it as...
  11. Xilefian

    quota exceeded error for android deployment

    I mean modifying the MV Android Client to allow saving to storage so then a Plugin can be made that adds the feature. Permissions aren't a problem. You don't actually want to save to external storage, what you want is to save to internal storage, but not the web database (which is limited and...
  12. Xilefian

    quota exceeded error for android deployment

    I wrote a bit about the save data technique of MV here: RPG Maker MV: Android update deletes savegames! You can, theoretically, change the save system to save to local storage for Android, but it requires majorly breaking Plugin compatibility. Alternatively, you could create a new Plugin that...
  13. Xilefian

    Random battles or Not?

    I don't think this question is simply a matter of preference; Random encounters can be done properly, just that we don't see them done properly very often. The default RPG Maker system probably isn't ideal for a production game. I think what people fear most is time being wasted, which random...
  14. Xilefian

    RPG Maker MV: Android update deletes savegames!

    Which method did you use to produce your Android app? There's several methods and knowing which one you used will help solve the problem. Android/iOS/Web deployments (basically any deployment that's not a node.js client) use Web storage for saving data, it does not use file-system, so no save...
  15. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    I've been talking to a couple of people about APK Expansion Files. It's definitely possible, but requires actual code changes and complicates things a fair bit. One day I will probably add APK Expansion support to the MV Android...
  16. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Aha thank you, this information tells me everything! Thank you!!! I'm going to first apologise to you; I thought you were getting a file not found error in a deployed RPG Maker MV project - rather than in the Android Studio editor itself. Sorry! It's very (very!) rare to get errors like this...
  17. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You can try deleting the build-cache, which is located here: <user-home>/.android/build-cache/ (WARNING THIS COULD BREAK ANDROID STUDIO - CLOSE THE PROGRAM BEFORE DELETING) However, Android Studio does not cache the Assets folder - there isn't any reason to cache this folder as it's expected to...
  18. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Support is not given for release builds or anything attempting to target commercial release. You'll have to search on Google about this error or hope someone else here can answer your questions. A quick search on Google immediately gives me answers for this problem, so you should be able to...
  19. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    Better start listing them, because if nothing is wrong with your project then the problem is almost certainly with one of the Plugins you're using. Some Plugin authors only write their code to work on desktop deployed MV, they don't write the Plugin for compatibility with web deployment or...
  20. Xilefian

    Android RPG Maker MV Guide

    You need to be more descriptive of your problem. Where are you seeing this missing file error? EDIT: Tell us what Plugins you are using too. I've said this a million, billion times now: 99.999999% of problems that people have are bugs in Plugins that they are using, so please tell us what...